
July 7, 2023

CDC Offers Guidance on 'Chestfeeding'
by S.A. McCarthy
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is offering guidance for men identifying as transgender on how to breastfeed and insisting on using the "inclusive" term "chestfeeding." The CDC released advice this week for men taking hormones to grow breasts, explaining, "Transgender and nonbinary-gendered individuals may give birth and breastfeed or feed at the chest (chestfeed)." The CDC also gave some examples of alternative terminology for breastfeeding to cater to those identifying as transgender, "such as nursing, chestfeeding, or bodyfeeding."
U.S. Military Misfires over Independence Day Weekend
by Joshua Arnold
Agents across the U.S. military committed another series of unforced errors over Independence Day Weekend, making the service look embarrassingly weak and further fueling the ongoing recruitment woes.
Discrediting a Conservative Supreme Court
by Rob Schwarzwalder
When Republicans gained the majority in the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years, I was working on Capitol Hill - and was, with myriad conservatives nationwide, elated. But one distinct memory is how many Democrats were less disappointed at their electoral loss than indignant over it.
Os Guinness: 'We Need a Lincoln-like Leader'
by TWS Staff Report
On Wednesday's edition of "Washington Watch," guest host Joseph Backholm interviewed Os Guinness, an author, social critic, and senior fellow at the Oxford Center for Christian Apologetics. They covered the Supreme Court's 303 Creative case, Guinness's new book "Zero Hour America," the real meaning of freedom, and more. The interview has been edited for clarity.
Georgia Ban on Trans Procedures for Minors Faces Legal Challenge
by S.A. McCarthy
Planned Parenthood Has Turned Promiscuity into a Positive Social Construct
by Sarah Holliday


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