Turning America’s Melting Pot Into A Boiling Pot
President Biden, known for embellishing his political and personal records, has never bragged about his cooking skills. He should have. It took “Chef” Biden just two and half years to transform America’s melting pot into a boiling pot.

The reformation of U.S. immigration laws is long overdue. Instead of proposing legislative changes to Congress, however, the president is ruling by fiat, issuing executive orders contradicting and violating the Constitution and the criminal code. Citing “compassion” as its pretext, the administration uses so-called “temporary humanitarian programs” to allow millions of economic migrants — many with unverifiable backgrounds from virtually every country on the face of the earth — to enter the United States. Any criticism is met with denial and slander of “racism” and “fascism.”

Not only does President Biden refuse to protect the country’s southern border and enforce existing immigration laws, but he and members of his administration also seem to brazenly and continuously lie about their actions, undermining the internal and national security of the country. The administration’s refusal to enforce the law also facilitates the activities of Mexican and international criminal cartels that earn billions of dollars by tracking humans and drugs into the U.S.

Judging by the flagrant violation of the laws governing U.S. immigration and border protection, it seems President Biden agrees with ..Read the full article Here & Here

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American Center for Democracy includes the Economic Warfare Institute. We monitor and expose the enemies of freedom and their modus operandi, and explores pragmatic ways to counteract them.