Hi there,
A few months ago, I came to you with a pretty audacious goal: To spare 6.7 million hens in the US from life in a battery cage.
How? By holding corporations accountable. By publicly pressuring them to make—and share—their progress toward sparing hens from this cruel form of extreme confinement.
Let’s talk about that for a second. Time and time again, we’ve seen the factory farming industry take the “easy way out”—raking in massive profits while offloading its problems onto animals, the public, and the environment.
Here’s just one example. Last year, facing a major avian influenza outbreak, corporations decided to “cull” millions of healthy egg-laying hens by roasting them alive. Meanwhile, Cal-Maine Foods, the largest egg producer in the US, saw profits rise by over 700% in the first three months of this year… with those hens bearing the ultimate burden.
And we're just supposed to accept that this is the status quo?
The factory farming industry has gotten away with their egregious lies, greed, and cruelty for way too long. It’s time for corporations to put their money where their mouth is—to prove that they’re making good on their promises to animals. It’s time for a paradigm shift. And thanks to advocates like you, that paradigm shift is already underway.
Right now, we have our sights set on companies that could shift the entire egg industry: Land O’Lakes and BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse. Together, these companies are responsible for the intensive confinement of almost a million animals. Every message, petition signature, and social media post brings us closer to our goal—and brings nearly a million hens closer to a life outside the bars of a cage.
I know that we can achieve this goal together. And I know that it’s about more than 6.7 million hens. It’s about refusing to accept the status quo, just because it’s “the way we’ve always done things.” Together, we can create a massive paradigm shift in our food system—and our world.
Will you be part of the shift toward compassion?
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |