When "Temporary" Visas Aren't Temporary:
Visa Overstays Double to All-time High
We need your help to stop unhelpful immigration policies which are spiraling out of control!
$400K matching gift program
Dear John,
The number of illegal aliens who have entered America more than doubled last year, to an all-time high. Would you believe that there are a lot of REPUBLICANS in Congress right now working to include MORE work visas in the Homeland Security funding bill?
Way back in 1996, Congress passed a law to build an entry-exit system, so we could track when people who have entered the nation legally actually leave. But the system was never completed.
That's why NumbersUSA is so urgently needed!
Since we were founded that very year, we've been fighting to make sure proposed immigration fixes actually fix immigration. No more excuses!
Our Capitol Hill team studies bills that impact immigration to determine what effects those bills will really have and proposes improvements. Then, with YOUR help, we prove to Congress that its constituents (including YOU) know what's really going on, and that you demand real improvement.
The Department of Homeland Security spending bill is a good example of this. The way that the House DHS Appropriations Committee touts it, you could hardly guess that the bill expands the types of jobs that are eligible for the unlimited number of H-2A agricultural visas. The bill also increases the number of H-2B visas, which are low-skilled, non-agricultural temporary and seasonal workers.
The bill still doesn't stop the abuses both programs are rife with and it still doesn't make sure visa holders go home after their visa expires. That's why NumbersUSA currently opposes the spending bill, as long as it increases these not-so-temporary temporary visas.
We can't do what we do without your support! Right now would be a GREAT time to donate, since our largest-ever matching grant is STILL continuing.
Thanks to a few very generous donors, for every $1 you give will be to Numbers USA ACTION matched we'll get $2. If you were to give $25, we'd get $50.
Even if you were to give a $1,000 dollars, that would STILL get $2,000
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Immigration by the Numbers You Tube video link
You know, John, as dramatic as those scenes of tens of thousands of aliens streaming over the U.S. border are, you should also know that over the years, millions of illegal aliens have entered legally with visas, and simply never returned.
As long as illegal aliens can be redirected through our ports, any border wall remains mere symbolism. By having a biometric entry/exit system we could keep better tabs on those entering the country and reduce the number of visa overstayers.
Last year, 850,000 people overstayed their visas. When a visitor becomes an illegal alien as their visas expire, they're actually more likely to stay in America long-term than illegal border crossers.
Also consider that if any foreign workers had children in America, those children become citizens, too. And as American children, their parents could receive welfare benefits on behalf of the children! And eventually, the children could legally sponsor more relatives to come to America through our chain migration laws.
It's time to break these absurd cycles of ever-increasing immigration. But we need your help. And as I noted above, Right now would be a GREAT time to donate, since our largest-ever matching campaign is STILL continuing.
Please give today.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Be well,
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Dan Marsh
Information Systems
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small, fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.