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TexasGOPVote Newsletter

July 6

Highlighted Blogs

Rep. Tony Gonzales: To Ease Labor Shortage, Update Work Visa Programs - "There is a common denominator that’s plaguing industries across the board — the need for workers. In recent years, Republican and Democratic administrations have recognized the importance of temporary work visas because they often serve as a last, legal option for many businesses, large and small, to fill critical workforce needs. Recognizing that economic, social and political instability in Central and South America will only continue to drive migrants to seek refuge here, it is imperative that we have a reliable system that will disincentivize illegal immigration. Improving our temporary work visa programs will strengthen legal pathways, remedy the workforce gap, and rebuild the integrity of our immigration system. The good news is there is growing support not only in Congress but across the nation to provide tangible solutions to our workforce challenges," said Representative Tony Gonzales while highlighting the need for legislation that he is introducing to cut back bureaucratic red tape and make adjustments to work visa programs.

Cornyn Statement on SCOTUS Ruling Against Biden Student Loan Cancellation Scheme - "The Supreme Court preserved the fundamental principle of personal responsibility and put an end to the Biden administration’s desperate PR stunt that would have forced taxpayers to pay off other people’s debt, regardless of whether they had paid their own loans or even attended college,” said Senator John Cornyn on the SCOTUS ruling against student loan bailouts. “I’m glad to see this disastrous policy struck down, and I urge Senate Democrats to work with Republicans on commonsense solutions to make higher education more affordable.”

Biden Admin Weaponizes a Lizard Against the Livelihoods of Texans - "
The Biden Administration's U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced that they are listing the dunes sagebrush lizard as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Don't be fooled, this listing is just another attempt at shutting down drilling in the Permian Basin. The Administration is using a lizard to decimate an entire industry and our nation’s energy security—while destroying the intent of the Endangered Species Act," said Representative Michael McCaul.

Featured Topic

ID and Tax

"ID and Tax" is a system where unauthorized immigrants would be issued tamper-proof IDs, would be taxed at the same or a higher rate than American citizens, and would be required to work for employers who deduct and match taxes. Find out more about the problems we face and the solutions.

Additional Blog Posts

A Lack of Courage from the Biden Admin

Biden's Experts Simply "Don't Know"

Supporting Israel, Prohibiting a Nuclear Iran

Preventing Biden from Declaring A Climate Change National Emergency
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