We need your help — but don’t worry, we’re not asking you for money!

Friends, Take Back the Court needs your help — but don’t worry, we’re not asking you for money!

Every month, our friends at CREDO Mobile —  a progressive phone company working to make the world a better place — donate thousands of dollars to progressive causes, and they allocate that amount based on an online vote. And, this month Take Back the Court was selected, alongside two other progressive nonprofits, to receive a grant to fuel our work!  

CREDO decides how to divide its grant money between our groups through an online vote through the month of July. That means your vote will help CREDO decide how big of a grant we deserve!

This campaign could not have come at a better time. Over the last two weeks, the Court has slashed protections for LGBTQ+ people, blocked debt relief for 40 million student borrowers, barred universities from using affirmative action policies to help combat racial discrimination, and more. One thing is clear — we cannot afford to slow down our work. We must continue to build our movement to expand and take back the Court. 


Will you cast your vote for us so we can bolster our work to add four new justices to the Supreme Court?


Our share of this grant will be enormously helpful as we continue building our movement. From getting more members of Congress to co-sponsor the Judiciary Act to assisting other leading progressive organizations as they endorse Court expansion, we’re gaining momentum to rein in these rogue right-wing justices. But we need all the help we can get.


Just a few years ago, the fight to expand the Court was a lonely one. Now, it’s a mainstream progressive policy goal with the support of more than 60 members of Congress and 130 leading advocacy organizations.


You helped us build this movement, and you can help us again now. Cast your vote here for Take Back the Court — we can’t do this without you!


Thankful to be in this fight with you,

Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President of Take Back the Court