We’re proud to be a movement where every penny, every voice, and every vote counts.  

What if we told you it takes less than $30 to protect our democracy?

This is a real screenshot from our fundraising dashboard, showing our average donation so far in 2023: 

Screenshot of Fair Fight Action's average contribution $27.27

When a large group of small-dollar supporters chip in $27.27 or anything they can at a time, it all adds up quickly to make a real difference in our work to protect our democracy and the freedom to vote. 

$27.27 could help equip a voter with the educational materials they need to get to their polling place, train a volunteer to turn out hundreds of voters in a single election, or purchase ads online to reach new voters. Those small-dollar donations translate into a powerful movement demanding national attention. We’re proud to be a movement where every penny, every voice, and every vote counts. 

The investments we make now will determine how much of an impact we can make in the future of the freedom to vote in Georgia and during the 2024 elections. That’s why it’s so important for supporters like you to respond to this email with a contribution, if you’re in the place to give right now.

If just 27 donors from your state contribute $27.27 today, we can sustain the funding needed to power Fair Fight Action’s 2023 programs and lay the groundwork for our 2024 operations. Add your donation right away >>

DONATE $27.27

Thank you for all that you do,

The Fair Fight Action Team

P.S. — If you would like to make a donation today but can’t commit to $27.27, we completely understand. Make a donation of any amount.