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I wanted to share a couple of exciting campaign opportunities over the next month! Please pass on to others who might be interested in joining! 

Civic Leadership Training Program: Session #3
Next Tuesday, we are launching the 3rd Cycle of our Training Program series. So far more than 75 students have participated in our summer trainings and campaigns where we cover the organizing basics like: How to Recruit Volunteers, Building Coalitions, and Working with the Media. Here is the full schedule

This cycle we are offering a How to Organize a Lobby Day training on Tuesday 7/18! We will show students how to set up and run a meeting with elected officials. We will also spend this time setting up meetings with our Congressmembers to discuss our Affordable Textbooks and Recovering America’s Wildlife Campaign. 

If you or anyone in your club/chapter is interested in joining, sign up here! You an also post the attached image to your social media accounts! 


New Voters Project Meetings and Trainings
As we approach the start of the school year, we want to ensure that we are priming our campuses to make sure they are vote ready! That means revamping our vote coalitions, helping register new incoming students, and planning big events for National Voter Registration Day!

We are holding weekly meetings and trainings every Wednesday at 5pm ET. To make sure your club/campus is on track, please have at least one person join this call. Here is the Link.

URGENT Campaign Action: Protect the Chaco Canyon!

We recently won a victory - 20 years of protection for the area around Chaco Canyon. However, Rep Crane of Arizona has introduced a bill to reverse that protection and there's going to be a hearing on July 13. We need to generate calls into Rep Crane's office from his constituents, letting him know that they oppose this bill. We'll also generate calls to other committee members!


Sign up here to join one of our upcoming phonebanks!

We will train you on making grassroots calls to mobilize the public to take action.


Monday 7/10 12:30 eastern, 11:30 central, 10:30 mountain, 9:30 pacific

Monday 7/10 8:00 pm eastern, 7:00 central, 6:00 mountain, 5:00 pacific

Wednesday 7/12 1:30 pm eastern, 12:30 central, 11:30 mountain, 10:30 pacific

Manny Rin 
Student PIRGs

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