Extinction Rebellion’s Pink Boat Drops Anchor on UK’s Biggest Illegal Mine
Extinction Rebellion

Hello John

Extinction Rebellion’s world-famous pink boat sailed back into action today with a full crew of XR Cymru and XR UK rebels on board, to shut down an illegal coal mine in South Wales.

For over 8 months, the Ffos-y-Fran colliery has operated without a license, mining nearly 300,000 tonnes of coal and releasing close to a million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. The authorities have failed to intervene, allowing this planet-wrecking operation to continue unabated.


We are calling for as many people as possible to come down to support. Protest as part of the blockade or on the sidelines. We intend to be there until at least the weekend when there will be a family friendly march, starting at 10.30am.

Every rebel is a part of the action! We need you to amplify this, because the media won't. Share, comment and like this amazing video to help get it seen by more people

Love & Rage

XR Cymru and XR UK


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