PROVE It Act one-pager; CCL July call this Saturday; Bellevue chapter does climate outreach in classrooms

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  Weekly Briefing, July 5, 2023
Table of Contents:
Take action this week
Featured: CCL Bellevue
Upcoming trainings
Get up to speed on the PROVE IT Act and CBAMs

Congress is out on recess for the Fourth of July holiday — but did you catch the exciting bipartisan bill they dropped recently? Just a few days before CCLers descended on D.C. for our annual conference and lobby day, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) and Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND, pictured above after a lobby meeting with local CCLers last summer) released the PROVE IT Act. At our lobby day reception, Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA-50) announced he will introduce a House version of the bill.

The bill would require the Energy Department to study the emissions intensity of certain products made in the U.S., and to compare that to certain other countries. In a legislative update in June, CCL Government Affairs staffers Ben Pendergrass and Jenn Tyler explained that the PROVE IT Act is “a precursor to eventually establishing a carbon border adjustment mechanism,” also known as a CBAM. 

It may sound a little wonky, but that’s really exciting news! Why? Because it’s a pretty powerful climate policy. Learn more about CBAMs on CCL's blog, so you’ll be ready to contact Congress about this bill in the coming weeks.

Learn About CBAMs


In other news this week:

Red, white, blue, and record-breaking: Data from the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction shows that the Fourth of July was the hottest day on earth since at least 1979.

• Post endorses a price on pollution: In an editorial published on Friday, the Washington Post offers a ringing endorsement for carbon pricing, calling it “economically efficient and fair.”

Take action this week

If you have a little time: Tag your member of Congress in this tweet. This week’s record-breaking heat is making headlines. Make sure your member of Congress has seen the news by tagging them in the comments of this CCL tweet.

If you have more time: Tune in to CCL’s July call. Got plans this weekend? CCL is hosting our July monthly call this Saturday on Zoom. We will hear from guest speaker Sarahia Benn, Executive Director of the Policy Foundation of Maryland. We’ll also celebrate recent successes and get down to business with the organization's July actions. Hope you can join us!

Featured chapter: CCL Bellevue

The CCL chapter in Bellevue, WA, was founded in 2014 by volunteer Gwen Hanson, who still serves as group leader today. “We are a busy chapter that prioritizes equipping our youth to help in the fight against climate change,” Gwen says.

Lately they have been doing this through the middle school curriculum created by CCL Youth Action Team Coordinator Sharon Bagatell and her team. Members of the Bellevue and Snohomish CCL chapters had the opportunity to teach portions of this curriculum to middle-schoolers at Maplewood Parent Cooperative School in Edmonds, WA. The group of volunteer teachers, which included high school students Vihaan Tandon and Jeremy Suzuki, covered topics like lobbying Congress, the En-ROADS policy simulator, writing letters to the editor, and more.

“We teamed up. Two of us would go to each class — one to be the primary teacher, and the other to be a backup to answer questions as needed or to tag team, each one teaching part of the lesson. That worked really well,” explained chapter member Gene Robertson, who taught a few of the lessons. 

“I was excited to see a variety of chapter members step up to teach the students. And the kids were great — sometimes they didn’t seem like they were paying attention, but then they’d ask a really insightful question,” marveled chapter member John Nave, who also taught some lessons. 

The middle school students were especially responsive to Jeremy and Vihaan, who even joined them to shoot hoops. The chapter has already been invited back next year. Fantastic outreach work, CCL Bellevue!

CCL has nearly 400 chapters across the country. Find your local chapter today and get plugged in.

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Upcoming trainings

7/6: Summer CCL/CCE Fundraising Ideas and Resources - No other organization trains citizens to be heard by their government the way CCL does. Chances are your friends and family are proud of your work and want to support it! Join Elli Sparks and Brett Cease for a training that will review how to help raise funds for CCL/CCE. Join us! 

7/13: Summer Tabling Opportunities - Members of your community are out and about in the summertime attending fairs, festivals, art walks, and other outdoor events. Attend this training to learn how to set up and conduct summer tabling and clipboarding about climate action, including what materials CCL provides to help you educate, activate and recruit the people you meet. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

7/11: Climate Science AMA w/ Dr. Ben Santer - Does the historic heat wave we're enduring have you curious about what climate science has to say about it? Dr. Ben Santer, Research Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, joins us to present his ground-breaking climate science research and field your questions about climate change science. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
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The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.
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CCL’s Climate Advocate Training workshop is offered live several times a year ahead of our big lobby days. Click below to sign up or find out more information.
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