Now that we’ve finished Q2 we are officially a quarter of the way through the 2024 election cycle. And it’s a good time to reflect on American Muckraker PAC’s whirlwind past six months.




Because of grassroots supporters like yourself, we met our goals and closed out our second quarter stronger than ever. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


Now that we’ve finished Q2 we are officially a quarter of the way through the 2024 election cycle. And it’s a good time to reflect on American Muckraker PAC’s whirlwind past six months.

A still from a recent report on our PAC’s lawsuit with Lauren Boebert which appeared on KRDO, the ABC affiliate in Colorado Springs.

In 2022 we put ourselves on the map when we helped to unseat right-wing extremist Congressman Madison Cawthorn by releasing damaging exposes and clips of him which called into question his so-called ‘conservative values.’ 


Later that year we created a firestorm when we released facts,  provided by sources on Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s finances, criminal history, and inconsistencies in her public versus private persona. This prompted her to launch a massive personal assault on our team. She went on Fox News and a handful of other conservative media outlets threatening and defaming us and claiming that we were liars and had fabricated all of the information that we had released on her.


This is why we spent the vast majority of Q1 and Q2 2023 patiently acquiring resources and planning our counter attack. We spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in strategy meetings with lawyers, burned the midnight oil combing through evidence, and worked our fingers to the bone calculating the budget we’d need to confidently take on Boebert and the GOP’s legal apparatus. 


Then after all those months of preparation and planning, on June 8th we finally filed our lawsuit. 

Some of the media buzz we generated when we filed our lawsuit.

This lawsuit does more than just set the record straight. As part of the suit, Boebert will have to participate in a taped deposition under oath, which we plan on releasing to the public — if the judge allows it — where she will have to answer tough questions about her finances, criminal history, and personal life. This places her in what is called a perjury trap: If she tells the truth she will validate the claims we made about her and she will lose the case. But if she lies she will perjure herself and face up to 5 years in jail under Colorado law. 


Now that the lawsuit is filed, we are one step closer to getting rid of Lauren Boebert before she is fully vested in her Congressional retirement. We wouldn’t have gotten to this point without the support of people like you, so please accept my most sincere thanks and appreciation for your support of American Muckrakers PAC — especially over this exhilarating past six months

There’s still another year and a half left where we will be doing the hard work to end Lauren Boebert’s political career and ensure Coloradans aren’t stuck with her any longer. Can you help us step on the gas with our lawsuit and continued investigations into Boebert by funding these efforts with a donation of $5 or more to American Muckrakers PAC today?

Thank you for your continued confidence in our work. If the first six months of 2023 were any indication, this is going to be our most successful year yet!


Graeme McGufficke 

Executive Director

American Muckrakers PAC


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 Spruce Pine, NC


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