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This is one of my favorite weeks of the year. Fireworks, country music, American flags everywhere you look… patriotism on full display.

And perhaps better yet, it’s a day (or week if you live in the Meckler household) that’s committed to celebrating a group of brave men and women who recognized that a faraway government was stripping them of their freedom — and decided to do something about it. Then they faced off against one of the world’s strongest military powers…and won.

It gives me shivers.

And yet, doesn’t that story sound familiar in this day and age, as well? A grassroots group of liberty-loving Americans, fighting to rein in a faraway and tyrannical government?

So this Independence Week, I just wanted to take a pause and say THANK YOU for being here.

Thank you for recognizing what’s happening in our nation today and refusing to sit idly by.

Thank you for being modern day George Washingtons.

Thank you for doing something.

It’s because I’ve met people like you that I have such strong hope for the future of this great nation and know that, just like our Founding Fathers, we will be victorious in defending our liberties against a tyrannical government.

And thanks to their wisdom, we can do it peacefully through Article V of the U.S. Constitution.

If you’d like to learn more about the Article V process or our movement to propose amendments through the states, I’d like to give you a free digital download of one of our most popular resources, The Convention of States Pocket Guide.

You can click here to download it completely free of charge. (It’s also a great resource to share with friends!)

John, I hope you’re full of hope for our nation’s future this week. I know that I am.

Standing proud to be an American, 

- Mark

Mark Meckler
Convention of States Action

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