
For years, Democrats have been underperforming in Congressional elections because of partisan gerrymandering. But this year, things just might be different.

At least four states, New York, North Carolina, Alabama, and Ohio are drawing new districts. Ohio’s map was thrown out by the Ohio Supreme Court for being too partisan last year, but since then Republican-leaning judges have taken over the court.

Experts were expecting Republicans to ask the newly conservative court to simply reverse last year’s decision and bring back Ohio’s gerrymandered map. But when asked about that gambit on Wednesday, the Republican State Senate President surprised everyone by saying, "I don't know whether it's a good option or not."

Why not? Because last Tuesday, The US Supreme Court finally struck down the Independent Legislature Theory.

The Independent Legislature Theory is a ridiculous interpretation of the Constitution that asserts that State Legislatures have exclusive jurisdiction over how states carry out federal elections without any checks and balances from state courts. The theory was popularized by, who else, the treasonous lawyers who attempted to overturn the 2020 election on Trump’s behalf.

With Republicans controlling both the US and Ohio Supreme Courts, we won’t be celebrating the end of gerrymandering just yet. If anything, the Court’s ruling against the Independent Legislature Theory was one of the only silver linings of this Supreme Court term. But the fact that even state GOP leaders don’t trust Republican state courts to uphold their partisan gerrymanders means that, for now at least, conservative judges are feeling the heat when it comes to guaranteeing fair congressional elections. And with the Republicans only controlling the House by the thinnest of margins, we have to capitalize on that momentum now.

We don’t trust this Supreme Court to keep defending fair and democratic congressional maps for long. We HAVE to take back the House in 2024 while we still can. Donate to our congressional victory fund now, and let’s restore our democracy together.



-Operation 147






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