Earlier this year, Ron DeSantis bumbled his way through an embarrassing Twitter interview with Elon Musk as part of his glitch-filled campaign launch.
My opponent, George Santos, didn’t waste any time making his preference known: He’s on the Trump Train in 2024.

Look, I’m not for Trump OR DeSantis. I’m a proud Democrat supporting President Joe Biden in 2024.
And here’s the thing: The people of New York’s 3rd District deserve a representative who reflects their values -- and they DO NOT want either Trump or DeSantis in 2024.
I’m running for Congress to deliver REAL representation for the people of Long Island. Will you pitch in $25 or more -- split with Daughters Defend -- to help me DEFEAT George Santos?
Santos is a disgrace, so is Trump, and so is DeSantis. Let’s send them all into political retirement.
Thank you,
Anna Kaplan
