Climate element guidance available
Commerce, in partnership with other state agencies, tribes, and local planners, developed early climate element planning guidance to help cities and counties address climate change in their comprehensive plans. A climate element can take the form of a single comprehensive plan chapter, or be integrated into several chapters/elements such as housing, transportation and land use.
The early guidance is available online in two formats. Both will continue to be updated through December, at which point guidance will be updated to reflect the new 2023 law (HB 1181):
The early climate element guidance includes flexible approaches to climate planning for any size jurisdiction. You will find guidance for both sub-elements --- greenhouse gas reduction and climate resilience, as well as a model chapter with goals and policies that communities may adapt into their comprehensive plans.
Compliance deadlines Cities and counties with a 2025 comprehensive plan periodic update deadline will be the first cities required to have a climate element and should use the intermediate guidance when it is published in December 2023.
Funding on the way Commerce will provide approximately $30 million in grants over the next six years to support development of climate elements. Information about climate grant programs will be available in the next few weeks.
Please check our Growth Management Services Grants page for details.
Questions? Contact the Commerce Climate Program at 360-725-3114 or