From Eagle Forum INSIGHTS <[email protected]>
Subject Do Not Be Fooled; Your Library Is Already Compromised
Date July 5, 2023 3:21 PM
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200 W 3rd St., Ste. 502 • Alton, IL 62002 • 618-433-8990 • [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])

** Editor's Note:

Even though we read stories every day of attempts to influence children with extreme leftist ideology, most people in small towns still believe their communities will be untouched. They won't be, though, and the local library will probably be the first target. A recent experience in Georgia illustrates that libraries that look to the American Library Association ([link removed]) for guidance are pushing back against parents who are concerned about age-inappropriate activities for their children. The ALA supposedly "fights for intellectual freedom," but it actually encourages deception. It will take unrelenting determination and courage to win the battle for our children's innocence. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Small-Town Librarians In Georgia Slip Drag Book Into Program For 6-Year-Olds
July 5, 2023
My small county is next door to a large university in Georgia, so I usually am not surprised by its periodic leftist infiltration. Most residents of this county, however, still view it as politically and socially conservative.

Because of this, many of them are experiencing a great deal of cognitive dissonance, because the county library scheduled a RuPaul biography as a story time in the children’s summer reading program.
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