This is the clean-water future we're fighting for


At VoteWater we spend a lot of time talking about what’s wrong with our system, how we need stronger policy and better politicians. All that’s crucial.

But sometimes you have to stop and cherish the things you’re fighting for.

We fight for a Florida where you don't have to wonder: "Is the water safe?" We fight for a permanent solution for the Lake O problem. We fight to hold polluters accountable. Above all, we fight to preserve and protect our amazing waterways, the stunning biodiversity and way of life made possible by it all.

These things are well worth fighting for. And we couldn't do it without your help.

Read more in the latest Update from VoteWater
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ICYMI: Manatee deaths slow; could discharges change that?

How would discharges from Lake O affect Florida's struggling manatee population? We take a closer look in our recent report.


Video: Why toxic algae is still such a problem on Lake O

Eve Samples, Executive Director of our friends at Friends of the Everglades, explained to WPTV in a recent edition of "To the Point" why blue-green algae blooms persist on Lake O, and what that could mean later this summer.

Watch the YouTube video
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P.S. Signatures Needed! The "Right to Clean and Healthy Waters" petition needs 900,000 signature by November 30 to get on the 2024 ballot. The petition can be printed out and signed here:

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