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Wednesday, July 5th, 2023


Not Dead Yet

Dr Naomi Wolf

Who Wins and Who Loses in a Deep Global Recession?

Charles Hugh Smith

The Hubris of Bending Modernity to Fauci’s Will

Justin Hart

Burning Books in a Brave New 1984 World

Jim Quinn

Klaus Schwab: ‘Prepare for an Angrier World’

Helena Glass

Covid-19 Fraud: Researcher Jim West Rides Again

Jon Rappoport

RFK Jr vs the Democrat Elites

Sean Collins

US House Bill To Cut Funding for WHO Entirely?

Peter Koenig

Presidents Keep Hiring Elliott Abrams Because the US Empire Is Just That Evil

Caitlin Johnstone

Independence Is Still a Revolutionary Act

Daisy Luther

Why Can’t We Talk About the Evidence That Vaccines Cause Autism?

Steve Kirsch

Punishing Sanctions

Moon of Alabama

Political Theatre

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