Help us fight back today.

Team, real quick.

News just broke that the Trump Administration will launch SWAT team tactical units to sweep immigrant neighborhoods.

This awful development confirms our worst nightmares and we have to act.

They want us to be afraid, silent and disappear but United We Dream Action is making sure that Trump’s intimidation and hate are met with courageous young people who dare to lead and fight back.

That’s why your support is so necessary this month and to be honest, if we all chip in, we can all be a part of making sure that the most effective engine for immigrant youth power keeps growing stronger.

Here’s some perspective on just how much grassroots and small-dollar donors are powering this engine of empowerment:

  • In December of 2019, our average donation was $15.06 — an all-time high!
  • In January of this year, our average donation was $9.07.
  • In February so far, our average donation is $9.47.

So as you can see, the grassroots make the difference — and 2020 is going to be a critical year as Trump and his team try to end DACA protections and now, send armed units through our neighborhoods.

Will you make a donation of $10 or more today to help immigrant youth face this new danger?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

United We Dream Action leaders are both fighting the hate with courage AND teaching immigrant families how to protect themselves through community action. Our leaders are meeting with community members, running hotlines, teaching people about their rights - all out of the spotlight - because it is the necessary thing to do.

This year we’ll see SCOTUS hand down a decision on the DACA Supreme Court case.

We’ll be advocating for as many candidates as possible to pledge to support our Free to Move, Free to stay Immigration Framework to protect our communities once they’re elected.

And of course, we’ll keep the drumbeat going on important core UWDA missions and programs, like promoting our Undocu-friendly classrooms and educators series and fighting to shut down ICE and CBP across the country.

We are so grateful to our team of organizers that span from one side of the country to the other. We started off small and mighty, and now thanks to folks just like you chipping in a few bucks to emails just like this one, we’re one of the largest and most influential immigrant and undocumented-led groups in the country.

That’s something special — something to be proud of.

If you’re able, consider a donation of $10 or more to help us meet this moment and be sure that our communities have what they need to survive and thrive.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you for keeping hope alive and for fighting back!

— Adrian from United We Dream Action

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