Today is a day of celebration! We have so much to remember and reflect on for both the founding of our Nation and its history, both ugly and amazing.
The principles it stands for that have endured. Hope for a more perfect union.
The sacrifices of this nations people for all struggles; A promise that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”.
A group of 56 men who rebelled against an empire, human and flawed, but with a crazy idea of self determination and that power resided inherently in the people, and not with Monarchs and Tyrants.
Soldiers who have fought and sacrificed from the first shots at Lexington and Concord; or the 1st Minnesota Regiment, first to volunteer in the Civil War, who bravely held the flank at the Battle of Gettysburg with staggering losses (82%!), saving the battle and the Union; and perhaps most famously the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy head on to fight against an unconscionable evil that was infecting and threatening the world.
Enjoy the day with your family, friends, and neighbors. Let us remember our freedoms, and our responsibilities so we may preserve this, the greatest country in the history of history.
Have fun! (Responsibly!)
God bless Minnesota and our great Republic!
Thanks to all of our Servicemen, of the past, and of today, those who have volunteered to serve their nation. Your sacrifice(s) are appreciated and should never be forgotten.