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Hi John,

From our families to yours, Happy Fourth of July!
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

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Mothers For Democracy / Mothers Against Greg Abbott is the largest coalition dedicated to defeating the extremist MAGA movement in Texas. While we don’t agree on every topic, we all agree the Texas GOP isn't Texas values.

Since 2021, we've been helping lead the Democratic resistance in Texas, we've organized thousands of local voters and our public issue campaigns have reached millions of Texans in key battleground areas. Now, we're backed by thousands of Texas parents who are mobilizing in their own neighborhoods to ensure the Texas we hand over to the next generation is better than the one we've inherited. 

We're sick and tired of being linked to a handful of extremist MAGA spokesmen — divisive politicians like Ken Paxton and Ted Cruz. We know it's going to take all of us to defeat them this election cycle. The power of mothers and others like us means we know we can do it: It's time for democracy to prevail. 

100% of our work is powered by individual donations and our average donation is just $23. We can't stop until our children have the future they deserve. So this election cycle, we're taking down Ted Cruz and dozens more of his Texas MAGA cronies. With you by our side, we'll deliver the kind of leadership everyone living in Texas can be proud of. 

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Mothers Against Greg Abbott
PO Box 27881
Austin, TX 78755

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