the most important week of the campaign

Friends -

We'll be blunt: We need 50,000 donations today in order to take on the super PACs spending against us in Nevada, and we're currently 23,463 short.

Since you're an important part of this movement, we're hoping you might be able to make a contribution to help reach this goal by midnight.

This is a close race, and we are competing against the billionaire class as well as candidates funded by billionaires. So it is important that we keep pace.

Can Bernie count on you to make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign today? Every donation keeps us on a path to win.

What we do right now will determine our ability to win in Nevada and South Carolina – the next two states to vote. And just three days after South Carolina comes Super Tuesday, when 14 states will hold their primaries.

While our opponents hold high-dollar fundraisers with wealthy campaign contributors, Bernie is relying on you to join the 1.5 million people who have contributed to our campaign so far.

Lots of small donations is the only way we're funding this campaign, which is why we're asking:

Chip in $2.70 today to stand with Bernie. Together we are going to win this primary and transform our country.

The 7 million donations our campaign has received so far is the reason we've been able to open more field offices across the country, go up with advertising in key areas, and keep Bernie on the road talking directly with voters about what this campaign is about.

As long as we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Thank you for chipping in today.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie