From Eagle Forum, Anne Schlafly, Chairman <[email protected]>
Subject The True Meaning of the Fourth of July
Date July 4, 2023 2:29 PM
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Chairman Schlafly Commentary
Our Country is Worth Celebrating and Protecting
July 4, 2023
by Anne Schlafly

What does the Fourth of July mean? We celebrate so much more than a declaration of independence from tyranny. We celebrate the founding of a new country based on a philosophy of self-governance. We are united in ideals and not bound by the constrictions that form most other countries, such as ethnicity, religion, or race. We are a free people who direct our leaders. The rest of the world should follow the example of America, which provides for the greatest health and happiness for the most people.

Phyllis Schlafly with her daughter Anne on July 4, 1976 In 1976 for the bicentennial of our country, I sported these red-white-and-blue pants with American stars because it was then fashionable to celebrate America. We need to bring back the fashion to celebrate the stars and stripes and the beauty of America: the philosophy of individual liberty.

Our founding ideals are under grave attack today by the marauders at our Southern border. They are not coming to America so that they can participate in self-government; these people have been exploited by the human traffickers who are abusing the generosity of America. These migrants are enslaved to their traffickers, who use children as propaganda in their war against America.

The Southern border is a crisis and therefore, America is in a crisis. We must secure our border.

Please join Eagle Forum in fighting for the integrity of our United States. Our country depends on citizens who are active and engaged in the pursuit of self-government that secures our individual liberties.

Please contact ([link removed]) your U.S. Senator and ask for passage of H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act.

Eagle Forum needs your generous support ([link removed]) so that we can continue to educate Americans on our foundational principles. We must stop the illegal invasion of people who will destroy our great country.

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Anne Schlafly ([link removed]) is the daughter of Phyllis Schlafly and Chairman of Eagle Forum.

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