URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Don’t let Bayer-Monsanto’s dangerous lies and toxic pesticides push endangered monarchs to EXTINCTION. Donate now for monarchs and the planet! >>
The summertime breeze is blowing as the sunshine gently illuminates the Earth. A tiny monarch caterpillar hatches, eating its own eggshell before switching to a strict diet of milkweed. Milkweed is a vital part of a monarch’s life, as it is the only place that monarchs lay their eggs and serves as the only food source for monarch caterpillars. In just a couple weeks, the newborn hatchling will build a cocoon around itself before transforming into an adult butterfly, emerging and spreading its vibrant orange wings.
More than a beautiful backyard staple, monarchs help keep our planet healthy by feeding on nectar, then pollinating wildflowers, and acting as an important food source for birds, small animals, and other insects.
But Friend, these iconic butterflies are rapidly DYING OUT -- so much so that monarch butterflies are now OFFICIALLY ENDANGERED.
Experts point to the drastic loss of milkweed as a key contributor to the decline in monarchs because the beloved butterfly cannot survive without this vital plant. But milkweed plants are being DECIMATED by the widespread use of toxic herbicides like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup. The greedy pesticide giant continues to put profit above pollinators and planet, so we urgently need to build a strong grassroots coalition to send a powerful message. Stop Bayer-Monsanto from selling toxic Roundup that’s pushing monarch butterflies closer to EXTINCTION! >>
Over the last 20 years, 850 million milkweed plants have vanished across the U.S. And it’s no coincidence that during that same time span, 90% of the North American monarch population has also DIED OUT. Meanwhile, glyphosate remains the most widely used agricultural chemical in the world with nearly 300 million pounds used every year in the U.S. alone.
Are you seeing the correlation here, Friend? Scientists clearly have. They’ve made clear connections between rampant glyphosate use, milkweed decline, and monarch deaths. But Bayer-Monsanto has been caught deliberately MANIPULATING SCIENCE and even OBSTRUCTING PESTICIDE REGULATIONS in order to deceive the public and keep profits rolling in.
These dangerous lies aren’t just indirectly hurting all of us by killing milkweed, threatening monarchs, and putting our planet at risk. Glyphosate has been linked to direct human health impacts like cancer, reproductive harms, and hormone disruption -- with children being the most AT RISK!
How far will Bayer-Monsanto go to rake in profits at the cost of pollinators, people, and the planet? Friend, don’t be fooled by Bayer-Monsanto’s corporate lies. Roundup MUST be pulled off the market immediately, so we’re counting on environmentalists like you to step up today. Will you help us raise $3,924 by 11:59 P.M. tonight for monarchs, people and the planet?
Thank you,
Friends of the Earth