Thank you.
Because of supporters like you, we hit our major FEC filing deadline goal. Our report will show that the movement to give kids a voice in the halls of power is starting strong.
With your support, in our first quarter, we’ve hit the ground running in our advocacy efforts—including most recently at Rock the Ride Napa, a gun violence prevention fundraiser and advocacy event that I was honored to join as the keynote speaker.
As we begin our second quarter of the organization, I’m looking forward to keeping up this important momentum. We’ve got a lot planned, and I’ll be sure to keep you posted. To stay updated on our work,
make sure to follow Their Future. Our Vote. on Twitter.
If you didn’t get a chance to donate before our end-of-quarter deadline, you can still chip in to support Their Future.
Click here to make a contribution and help power our efforts.
Thank you for your support and for standing up for the promise of everything America can be. I hope you have a great Independence Day tomorrow.
Fighting for
Their Future,