Monday, July 3, 2023 | The Latest Research, Commentary, And News From Health Affairs
The premium cost for oncology drugs is a burden for many patients, especially those living in rural communities. Today, Kelsey Owsley and Cathy Bradley examine the 340B Drug Pricing Program as a way for rural area hospitals to increase access to oncology services.
Oncology in Rural Areas

Rural areas experience significant gaps in access to oncology services and providers. Hospitals in rural areas cite the high cost of cancer treatments and services as barriers to providing oncology services.

This is the context in which Kelsey Owsley and Cathy Bradley explore the 340B Drug Pricing Program, a program which "allows eligible not-for-profit and public hospitals to purchase covered outpatient drugs, including high-cost oncology drugs, at discounted prices."

The coauthors of the article, released earlier this month in Health Affairs, examine the drug program’s impact on the incorporation of oncology services into rural hospitals.

Owsley and Bradley find that those rural hospitals without oncology services that joined the 340B Drug Pricing Program were more likely to begin providing oncology services by 2020 than those hospitals that did not join the program.
For more on the paper’s findings, listen to Kelsey Owsley and Editor-in-Chief Alan Weil on A Health Podyssey.

Elsewhere at Health Affairs

Today in Health Affairs Forefront, Eli Adashi and colleagues argue for the codification of FDA’s oversight of laboratory-developed tests.

Daily Digest
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Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

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