A Note From the Desk of Congresswoman Letlow
Julia Letlow, Ph.D.
Member of Congress
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Congresswoman Julia Letlow |
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@RepJuliaLetlow |
Legislative Update
Floor and Committee Activity:
- The month of June was very productive, as I spent the most of the month in Washington, D.C. working on appropriations bills that will directly benefit Louisiana. I worked on advancing 6 of 12 annual funding bills, which would bring millions of tax dollars back home to our district. These bills will fund our military, border security and agents, agriculture, veterans’ healthcare, energy, and the Army Corps of Engineers.
- I supported H.R. 277, The REINS Act, which would require Congress to approve any major regulations issued by the Administration before taking effect. This is a good governance bill that will hold the Executive Branch and unelected bureaucrats accountable.
- I supported H.R. 3799, the CHOICE Arrangement, which will help small businesses offer more affordable options for health insurance plans to their employees, saving money for both employers and employees.
Notable Letters & Bills:
- Defending the safety of U.S. citizens is a top priority, which is why I signed a letter to President Biden asking him to use every necessary tool to ensure Iran does not acquire nuclear weapon capability.
- American manufacturing stimulates our economy and provides thousands of jobs. I proudly supported the Make American Flags in America Act which would require all American flags flown over federal buildings to be made in the U.S. with U.S. materials.
Additional Committee Activity: Ed & Workforce + Agriculture
June was a busy month for the House Appropriations Committee and the Committee on Education and the Workforce. My colleagues and I met numerous times to discuss moving forward with our nation’s annual appropriations bills for FY2024 and to pass legislation that protects and promotes learning and workers livelihoods.
The Committee on Education and the Workforce talked about The Telehealth Benefit Expansion for Workers Act. This act has the potential to do great things for hard-working individuals and families. It would give employers more options to offer much more flexibility when it comes to the healthcare they provide to their employees. If you are working part-time or in an industry that usually doesn’t qualify for all aspects of your company’s healthcare, that could change by allowing employers to offer standalone telehealth coverage to employees.
We also debated what should be included in the FY 2024 Agriculture Appropriations Bill. My goal is to always ensure that American farmers, ranchers, and producers have the resources they need to produce and succeed. I know firsthand how vital our agricultural industry is to the Fifth District. I advocated for the inclusion of agriculture and mitigation research, resources for rural development, sugar cane variety development, and nutrition assistance.
Education and Workforce Hearing
At the Committee on Education & the Workforce hearing, I questioned acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su on why the Department of Labor has very clearly pulled the rug out from under Northshore Technical Community College's successful YouthBuild, a program that helps Louisiana youth with education and workforce development, and has served Louisianans since 2001.
We also addressed a change in H-2A Adverse Effect Wage Act Rule methodology - a highly detrimental rule that has hit Louisiana agriculture in recent years and has created a firestorm throughout U.S. agriculture. This rule significantly increases costs for farmers due to the high wage requirements it imposes. There is already a labor shortage, and this will only make things worse for our small farming operations.
Defending Your Tax Dollars
During the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense markup, we debated an amendment put forth by my Democrat colleagues which would require the Department of Defense to pay travel costs for military personnel seeking an abortion. That means your taxes would go toward flights and hotel rooms for those seeking voluntary and possible late-term abortions. I urged my colleagues to oppose this amendment to keep my promise to protect taxpayer dollars from funding abortion. I am thrilled to say my Republican colleagues and I successfully struck down this senseless amendment.
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Faith and Law in Congress
I had the pleasure of speaking at Faith and Law’s Annual Evening Forum discussing the intersection of our faith and law-making with my colleagues Representative Adrian Smith and Representative Mike Johnson. Faith will always be a fundamental and vital aspect of our democracy. Organizations like Faith & Law are so important, as they create a space for us to discuss how to give thanks to God in all that we do.
I am blessed to be surrounded by other members of Congress who make this a priority each and every day.
Partnerships Abroad
I had a productive meeting with the American Israel Public Affairs Committee last week. I applaud their efforts to advocate for U.S. security assistance to Israel and share their passion for backing Israel-Arab normalization efforts. After my recent trip, I was reminded of the shared commitment the U.S. and Israel have to peace, prosperity, and stability in the Middle East. Jerusalem has the unique ability to bridge history, faith, and tradition, and I urge my colleagues to continue strengthening the U.S.-Israel partnership.
Affordable Housing for the Future
Always a pleasure to meet with the National Association of Home Builders and hear about how they are advocating for affordable housing for first-time home buyers, college graduates, and individuals in the trade industry in Louisiana. Providing safe and reliable housing is very important work. Not only does it provide economic development in the state, but it improves the quality of life for so many.
Pioneering Engineering Infrastructure
This month I met with the American Council of Engineers of Louisiana to hear about their work to upgrade our critical transportation, water, energy, and communication infrastructures in our state. This group represents the hard working engineers and their businesses that keep our state moving. And of course I especially love their dedication to educating others about the engineering industry and what they do. The issues that we discussed are crucial for advancing our engineering industry.
Advocating for Childhood Education
It was wonderful meeting Jennifer Garner and hearing about her incredible work with Save the Children, which works to provide access to early childhood education. Every child deserves to have the tools to learn. Early childhood education is crucial for children's development and helps them develop problem solving skills, critical thinking, creativity, and sets the foundations for their futures. I will continually work to expand educational opportunities, and we are lucky to have groups like Save the Children whose goal is to ensure education for all.
Summer Strawberries in the U.S. Capitol
The Fifth District’s very own Madison DiCarlo of West Monroe High School was chosen as a winner of the National Art Competition! Her piece, "Summer Strawberries," reminds me of summers growing up in Louisiana, and I’m excited to see her piece displayed in the halls of Congress. Madison’s piece creatively captures the beauty of Louisiana’s vast agricultural landscape of fertile fields and bountiful harvest of the Fifth District’s specialty crop of strawberries. And to top it all off, the children in the picture turned out to be kids of one of my closest friends!
Grain, Feed, and Grow
Grateful to have the opportunity to meet with the National Grain and Feed Association and discuss how we can prioritize commodity programs. We specifically chatted about how they are working to expand waterway transportation so our agriculture industry remains successful and competitive. Did you know a lot of the grain we use is transported by river? That is why it is critical we focus on providing the necessary infrastructure.
Prosperity in Foodservice and Hospitality
Always a pleasure to meet with my good friends from the Louisiana Restaurant Association. They are focused on making sure Louisiana’s restaurant and hospitality industries are fully supported and thriving. This is an all-in effort to drive economic prosperity for Fifth District!
Student Leaders from the Fifth District
I had the opportunity to meet with 17 students who were hand-picked by the Association of Louisiana Electric Cooperatives to travel to D.C. for the ALEC Youth Tour. Each cooperative selects an outstanding academic student who has shown a particular interest in politics and how the government operates. They have the opportunity to come to D.C., meet their Representative, explore politics, and develop their leadership skills. I loved hearing about their hopes and dreams, and I have a feeling one of two of them might just end up here in the future!
Farewell to First Summer Session Interns
Left to right: Hynson, Lindy, EmmaLou, Candice
Call me biased, but I believe Louisiana is home to the best interns! I was so fortunate to have four outstanding interns during our first summer session - Lindy, Hynson, EmmaLou, and Candice. They each brought unique personalities and perspectives to our office and were great resources for our constituents. I asked them each to reflect on their weeks here:
Lindy: “Interning on Capitol Hill this summer has given me the opportunity to see firsthand just how hard Congresswoman Letlow and her staff work to serve the people of Louisiana. I gained insight into the legislative process, witnessed the direct impact of policymaking on constituents' lives, and as a result solidified my passion for public service.” (Lindy will graduate from LSU in May of 2024 with a degree in Sociology and dual-minors in Political Science and Psychology.)
Hynson: “My summer internship in DC allowed me to witness and be a part of history in the making. I gained a better understanding of the intricate workings of our government and the process of legislation. Moving forward, I hope to use my skills and experience to further my commitment to public service and making a difference in our democracy.” (Hynson will graduate from LSU in May of 2024 with a degree in Marketing and a minor in history, and plans to attend law school.)
EmmaLou: “Interning on the Hill was everything I hoped it would be and more. I loved all the one-on-one time we were able to have with Congresswoman Letlow - that is a unique experience that not all interns get to have. The advice she gave me will serve me well in my future career.” (EmmaLou will graduate from LSU in May of 2024 with a degree in Finance.)
Candice: “Interning for Congresswoman Letlow taught me a lot. I enjoyed working on my networking skills and will be leaving with many new friendships. I want to thank the Congresswoman and her staffers for all their support. Who knows, I may be back one day!” (Candice will graduate from Louisiana Tech in May of 2024 with a degree in Finance.)
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