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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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]. For all recent additions see our recently added publications page [
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Irish-related publications
National Drug Treatment Reporting System: 2022 drug treatment demand.
O'Neill, Derek and Lyons, Suzi and Carew, Anne Marie (2023) Dublin: Health Research Board
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Health Research Board latest drug-related deaths figures.
(2023) Dublin: Health Research Board
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National Drugs Strategy strategic action plan 2023-2024.
(2023) Dublin: Department of Health
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Citizens' Assembly on Drugs Use: session 24 and 25 June 2023. [Video]
(2023) Citizens’ Assembly.
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Cocaine and crack cocaine health-related harms in the South Inner City. A report commissioned by the
South Inner City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
Duopah, Yaa Asuaba et al (2023) Dublin: South Inner City Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
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Adolescent binge drinking in the West of Ireland: associated risk and protective factors.
Kelly, Ciara et al (2023) BMC Public Health, 23. doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15577-z
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Revisiting the profile of patients with no fixed abode admitted to psychiatric inpatient units, 2017
- 2021
Guilfoyle, S et al (2023) Irish Medical Journal, 116, (6)
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Doing peer work: an introductory guide to co-designing peer work roles or programmes in your
Quality Matters, Community Response. (2023) Dublin: Community Response.
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Working better with ethnically and linguistically diverse populations: good practice guidance for
drugs, alcohol and homeless services in Ireland.
Dermody, Aoife and Garcia, J (2023) Dublin: Community response and Quality Matters
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Why do people use drugs? A neglected question.
McLoughlin, Aoibheann (2023) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.
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Nurse prescribing practices across the globe for medication-assisted treatment of the opioid use
disorder (MOUD): a scoping review.
Banka-Cullen, Sonam Prakashini et al (2023) Harm Reduction Journal, 20. doi:
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Alcohol, drug use and experiences of sexual violence victimisation among first-year college students
in Ireland.
Burke, Lorraine et al (2023) Journal of Sexual Aggression, Early online.
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Homelessness and health-related outcomes in the Republic of Ireland: a systematic review,
meta-analysis and evidence map.
Ingram, Carolyn et al (2023) Journal of Public Health, doi.org/10.1007/s10389-023-01934-0
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Model-based appraisal of Minimum Unit Pricing and promotion restrictions for alcohol in Northern
Ireland: an adaptation of the Sheffield alcohol policy model version 4.1.
Angus, Colin (2023) Sheffield: University of Sheffield.
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A needs assessment for suicide prevention training within community pharmacies.
O'Driscoll, Michelle et al (2023) Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 10.
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Technical paper on the poverty indicators for social inclusion in Ireland.
Sprong, Stefanie and Maitre, Bertrand (2023) Dublin: Department of Social Protection.
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Ireland: adverse motherhood experience.
Tobin, Ashling (2023) Prison Insider
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“Singing from the same hymn sheet”: an evidence base for the development of an interagency Drug
Related Intimidation (DRI) specific training programme in the SICDATF area.
Brennan, Rebekah (2022) Dublin: South Inner City Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
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Action man - ten top tips for men’s health.
Murray, F and Fowler, C (2023) Dublin: Health Service Executive and Men’s Health Forum in Ireland.
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Survey on attitudes towards the Equality Grounds Poll.
(2023) Dublin: Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.
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Protecting against predators: a scoping study on the sexual exploitation of children and young
people in Ireland.
Canning, Mary et al (2023) Dublin: SERP, Geary Institute for Public Policy
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Northern Ireland drug and alcohol alliance: impacts of COVID-19 on people who use services and
Harris, Julie et al (2023) Ulster University.
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Evaluation of youth diversion projects
Research Matters LTD. (2023) Dublin: Department of Justice
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Short course. Social, Personal & Health Education (SPHE). Specification for junior cycle. [Teaching
(2023) Dublin: Department of Education.
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Health System Performance Assessment (HSPA) platform. [Webpage]
(2023) Dublin: Department of Health
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Tobacco-free campuses - a pipe dream? a survey of current smoking cessation practice in mental
health units in Ireland.
Harrington, Colm and Walsh, Elaine (2023) BJPsych bulletin, Early online. pp. 1-5.
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Problem gambling: a narrative review of important policy-relevant issues.
O'Ceallaigh, Diarmaid et al (2023) Dublin: Economic and Social Research Institute.
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Psychometric properties of the Opening Minds Stigma Scale for Health Care Providers in 32 European
countries - A bifactor ESEM representation.
Őri, Dorottya et al (2023) Frontiers in Public Health, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1168929
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SICDATF Strategic plan 2023 - 2026.
(2023) Dublin: South Inner City Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force.
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Recorded crime Q1 2023
(2023) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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Understanding life in Ireland: the well-being framework 2023
Department of the Taoiseach (2023) Dublin: Government of Ireland
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Prison visiting committee annual reports 2021
(2023) Dublin: Department of Justice
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National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026: implementation report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Department of Health
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The earnings background of probationers 2014 - 2020.
(2022) Cork: Central Statistics Office
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Annual report of the Committee Appointed to Monitor the Effectiveness of the Diversion Programme
(2022) Dublin: An Garda Siochana
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Child poverty monitor 2023
(2023) Dublin: Children's Rights Alliance
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Mental Health Commission annual report 2022: including the report of the Inspector of Mental Health
(2023) Dublin: Mental Health Commission
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Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Mental Health (Criminal Law) Review Board
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Women's Aid annual impact report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Women's Aid
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Tabor Group annual report 2022
(2023) Cork: Tabor Group
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Turas annual report 2022
(2023) Louth: Turas
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Tallaght Rehabilitation Project annual review 2022
(2023) Dublin: Tallaght Rehabilitation Project
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The National Maternity Hospital Holles Street annual report 2022.
(2023) Dublin: National Maternity Hospital
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Belong To Youth Services annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Belong To Youth Services
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Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission annual report 2022
(2023) Dublin: Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission
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St. Laurence O’Toole Catholic Social Care CLG (operating as Crosscare) Financial statements for the
year ended 31 December 2022
(2023) Dublin: Crosscare
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International publications
European drug report 2023: trends and developments.
(2023) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
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World drug report 2023.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. (2023) New York: United Nations.
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Economic benefits of substance use disorder treatment: a systematic literature review of economic
evaluation studies from 2003 to 2021
Fardone, Erminia et al (2023) Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, Early online. doi:
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Three decades of research in substance use disorder treatment for syringe services program
participants: a scoping review of the literature.
Jakubowski, Andrea et al (2023) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 18. doi:
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Expert Committee on Drug Dependence information repository.
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence [Webpage] (2023)
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WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence forty-fifth report.
WHO Expert Committee on Drug Dependence. (2023) Geneva: World Health Organization.
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Lesbian, gay, and bisexual behavioral health: results from the 2021 and 2022 National Surveys on
Drug Use and Health.
(2023) Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality, Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services Administration
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10 key findings related to the impact of Toronto’s drug checking service.
McDonald, K et al (2023) Toronto: Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation.
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Substance use disorders, physical health and recovery capital: examining the experiences of clients
and the alcohol and other drug workforce.
Osborne, Briony and Kelly, Peter J (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi:
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"Criminalization causes the stigma”: perspectives from people who use drugs.
Scher, Benjamin D et al (2023) Contemporary Drug Problems, Early online.
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Reducing stigma towards people living with HIV and people who inject drugs using social norms
theory: An online study with Australian health care workers.
Broady, Timothy R et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 249.
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Realistic medicine: doing the right thing Chief Medical Officer for Scotland annual report
NHS Scotland. (2023) Scottish Government.
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Factors that influence the implementation of (inter)nationally endorsed health and social care
standards: a systematic review and meta-summary.
Kelly, Yvonne et al (2023) BMJ Quality & Safety, Early online. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2022-015287
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Unemployment and substance use: an updated review of studies from North America and Europe.
Nolte-Troha, Carina et al (2023) Healthcare, 11, (8). doi: 10.3390/healthcare11081182
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Covering substance use and addiction responsibly.
Crowell, Rachel (2023) The Open Notebook, (16 May 2023).
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A contextualized reinforcer pathology approach to addiction.
Acuff, Samuel F et al (2023) Nature Reviews Psychology, 2, (5), pp. 309-323. doi:
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Non-pharmacological interventions for problematic substance use: a rapid overview of Cochrane
systematic reviews.
Megranahan, Karen et al (2023) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, Early online.
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Motivational interviewing-an evidence-based, collaborative, goal-oriented communication approach in
lifestyle medicine: a comprehensive review of the literature.
Almansour, Mohammed et al (2023) Journal of Taibah University Medical Sciences, 18, (5), pp.
1170-1178. doi: 10.1016/j.jtumed.2023.03.011
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Perspectives and sentiments on contingency management from people who use methamphetamine.
Clay, Simon et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi: 10.1111/dar.13691
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Violence prevention framework for Scotland.
(2023) Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
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Understanding child criminal exploitation in Scotland: a scoping review.
Dixon, Nesha (2023) Glasgow: Children and Young People's Centre for Justice.
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Computer-based intervention for residents of domestic violence shelters with substance use: a
randomized pilot study.
Hailemariam, Maji et al (2023) PloS one, 18, (5). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285560
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Mental and physical health and service access among people in Sydney who use illicit drugs, 2022.
Jones, Fiona and Sutherland, Rachel (2023) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW
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Interventions to reduce repeat presentations to hospital emergency departments for mental health
concerns: a scoping review of the literature.
Mao, Wanying et al (2023) Healthcare, 11, (8). doi: 10.3390/healthcare11081161
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The mental state of the world in 2022.
Mental Health Million Project. (2023) London: Sapien Labs.
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Exploring the impact of engagement in mental health and substance use research: a scoping review and
thematic analysis
Sheikhan, Natasha Y et al (2023) Health Expectations, Early online. doi: 10.1111/hex.13779
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The effects of the cost of living crisis on families and friends of someone with a substance use
(2023) London: Adfam
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The use of school surveys in policy and prevention planning and evaluation. Results of the 2022
ESPAD - MedSPAD bridge project.
Benedetti, Elisa et al (2023) Pisa and Strasbourg: National Research Council (CNR) - Institute of
Clinical Physiology and the Council of Europe
[link removed]
Drug and Alcohol Information System: overview of initial assessments for specialist drug and alcohol
treatment 2021/22 and 2022/23. an official statistics release for Scotland.
(2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland
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Greater Manchester: testing and research on emergent and new drugs no.2. 2022 monitoring cycle full
Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Manchester Metropolitan University. (2023) Manchester:
Manchester Metropolitan University
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The New Zealand drug harms ranking study: a multi-criteria decision analysis
Crossin, Rose et al (2023) Journal of Psychopharmacology, doi: 10.1177/02698811231182012
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EMCDDA: General report of activities 2022 – key achievements and governance: a year in review.
(2023) Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
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Nitrous oxide-induced myeloneuropathy: a case series
Mair, Devan et al (2023) Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, Early online. doi:
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Kratom's emergence and persistence within the US polydrug epidemic
Smith, Kirsten Elin et al (2023) Current Addiction Reports, 10, (2), pp. 262-271. doi:
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Dashboard: Prevalence of cocaine use in Europe. [Dataset]
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction. (2023)
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Suspected drug deaths in Scotland: January to March 2023
(2023) Edinburgh: Scottish Government
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Lives worth grieving: differential coverage of overdose deaths in Australian news media (2015–2020)
Dertadian, George Christopher and Rance, Jake (2023) Contemporary Drug Problems, Early online.
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Mortality among individuals prescribed opioid-agonist therapy in Scotland, UK, 2011–20: a national
retrospective cohort study
McAuley, Andrew et al (2023) The Lancet Public Health, Early online.
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Estimated reductions in opioid overdose deaths with sustainment of public health interventions in 4
US states
Chhatwal, Jagpreet et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (6).
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The impact of longitudinal substance use patterns on the risk of opioid agonist therapy
discontinuation: a repeated measures latent class analysis
Cui, Zishan et al (2023) International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction,
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Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on chronic pain and opioid use in marginalized populations: a scoping
Choe, Karen et al (2023) Frontiers in Public Health, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1046683
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Trends in opioid misuse among individuals aged 12 to 21 years in the US
Warren, Lauren Klein et al (2023) JAMA Network Open, 6, (6). doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.16276
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Postoperative buprenorphine continuation in stabilized buprenorphine patients: a population cohort
Hauck, Tanya S et al (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16223
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National benchmarking report on implementation of the medication assisted treatment (MAT) standards:
Scotland 2022/2023.
(2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland
[link removed]
Patients' goals when initiating long-acting injectable buprenorphine treatment for opioid use
disorder: findings from a longitudinal qualitative study
Neale, Joanne et al (2023) Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18, (1), p. 37.
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Cannabis laws in Europe: questions and answers for policymaking. European Monitoring Centre for
Drugs and Drug Addiction.
(2023) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
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Editorial: Minimizing double standards in assessing the adverse and beneficial effects of cannabis
Hall, Wayne and Hoch, Eva (2023) Addiction, Early online. doi: 10.1111/add.16267
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Cannabis for morning sickness: areas for intervention to decrease cannabis consumption during
Swenson, Karli (2023) Journal of Cannabis Research, 5. doi: 10.1186/s42238-023-00184-x
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Assessing the impact of recreational cannabis legalization on cannabis use disorder and admissions
to treatment in the United States
Aletraris, Lydia et al (2023) Current Addiction Reports, 10, (2), pp. 198-209. doi:
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Adolescent exposure to low-dose THC disrupts energy balance and adipose organ homeostasis in
Lin, Lin et al (2023) Cell Metabolism, doi.org/10.1016/j.cmet.2023.05.002
[link removed]
Shifts in cannabis use at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic among Global Drug Survey respondents
from 13 countries
Puljević, Cheneal et al (2023) Drugs, Habits and Social Policy, Early online.
[link removed]
Characteristics associated with cannabis use initiation by late childhood and early adolescence in
the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study.
Miller, Alex P et al (2023) JAMA Pediatrics, Early online. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.1801
[link removed]
Evaluating the impact of minimum unit pricing for alcohol in Scotland: final report. A synthesis of
the evidence.
(2023) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland
[link removed]
Views on minimum unit pricing for alcohol before its introduction among people with alcohol
dependence in Scotland: a qualitative interview study
Hughes, Jane et al (2023) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online, doi: 10.1111/dar.13704
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The association of alcohol dependence and consumption during adolescence with depression in young
adulthood, in England: a prospective cohort study
Hammerton, Gemma et al (2023) The Lancet. Psychiatry, Early online. doi:
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EASL policy statement reducing alcohol harms 2023
(2023) Geneva: European Association for the Study of the Liver
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Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents programme innovation fund: full report.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. (2023) London: Department of Health and Social Care
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Evaluating the effects of minimum unit pricing in Scotland on the prevalence of harmful drinking: a
controlled interrupted time series analysis
Stevely, Abigail K et al (2023) Public Health, 220. pp. 43-49. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.04.019
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Alcohol consumption among UK football supporters: investigating the contested field of the football
Bandura, Comille Tapiwa et al (2023) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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Nicotine vaping and co-occurring substance use among adolescents in the United States from 2017-2019
Kreski, Noah T et al (2023) Substance Use & Misuse, 58, (9), pp. 1075-1079. doi:
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E-cigarettes and the comparative politics of harm reduction: history, evidence, and policy
Berridge, Virginia et al (2023) London: Palgrave Macmillan.
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Within-person associations between psychological and contextual factors and lapse incidence in
smokers attempting to quit: a systematic review and meta-analysis of ecological momentary assessment
Perski, Olga et al (2023) Addiction, 118, (7), pp. 1216-1231. doi: 10.1111/add.16173
[link removed]
Perceived threat and fear responses to e-cigarette warning label messages: results from 16 focus
groups with U.S. youth and adults.
Avery, Rosemary J et al (2023) PLoS ONE, 18, (6). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286806
[link removed]
The risk profile of electronic nicotine delivery systems, compared to traditional cigarettes, on
oral disease: a review.
Zhang, Qing and Wen, Cai (2023) Frontiers in Public Health, 11. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1146949
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The lived experience of financial harm from gambling in Australia.
Marko, Sarah et al (2023) Health Promotion International, 38, (3). doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daad062
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You win some, you lose more. Online gambling and its impacts on those experiencing gambling harm.
House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs. (2023) Canbarra:
Parliament of Australia
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Pilot interventions planned to tackle grooming of children into drugs trade
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (30 Jun 2023)
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‘It’s the biggest spread of addiction this country has ever seen’: Regulatory noose tightens on
[Irish Times] Burns, John (30 Jun 2023)
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New legislation grants Europe stronger powers to tackle current and future drug problems
[EMCDDA] (30 Jun 2023)
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ASAI to review current guidance relating to the advertising of non-alcohol product variants.
[Advertising Standards Authority for Ireland] (28 Jun 2023)
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Ireland’s plan to bring in health warnings on alcohol products will ‘reduce harm globally’
[Irish Times] McQuinn, Cormac (26 Jun 2023)
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Health Research Board reports latest drug-related deaths figures
Health Research Board (24 Jun 2023).
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Minister for Public Health, Wellbeing and the National Drugs Strategy announces increased funding of
€500,000 for cocaine services
[Department of Health] (20 Jun 2023)
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Cocaine is the most common drug for which individuals are seeking treatment
[Health Research Board] (20 Jun 2023)
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Vape firms may pay thousands for licences under new laws
[Irish Examiner] Phelan, Ciara (18 Jun 2023)
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Call for provision of naloxone to help opioid addicts
[Irish Examiner] Murphy, Anne (16 Jun 2023)
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European drug report 2023
[Health Research Board] (16 Jun 2023)
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Alcohol label wars: Ireland’s new warning law faces fight at World Trade Organisation
[Irish Times] O'Leary, Naomi (12 Jun 2023)
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'Staff have been attacked, spat at': Dublin city businesses on impact of anti-social behaviour
[thejournal.ie] Halpin, Hayley (09 Jun 2023)
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12% of Irish doctors have experimented with cocaine
[Irish Medical Times] Cosgrave, Terrance (08 Jun 2023)
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HSE drug trends update following ‘back of house’ drug checking at festival
[HSE press office] (06 Jun 2023)
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The 'hidden victims' of the hidden addiction: Problem gambling and its impact on family members
[thejournal.ie] O'Cearbhaill, Muiris and Raleigh, David (04 Jun 2023)
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Three alerts issued at Life Festival on back of drug-checking scheme
[Irish Times] Gleeson, Colin (03 Jun 2023)
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Antidepressant prescriptions for under-15s up 130% since 2012, HSE figures show
[Irish Times] Bowers, Shauna (02 Jun 2023)
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Children being paid by drug gangs to smash CCTV at Dublin flat complex, Dáil hears
[Irish Times] Burns, Sarah (01 Jun 2023)
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Dail Debates
Question 284 - School curriculum [Gambling] [
[link removed]
]. (29 Jun)
Offences against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 and Criminal Justice (Amendment) Act 2009: Motions [
[link removed]
]. (27 Jun)
Questions - Departmental functions [Addiction]. [
[link removed]
] (27 Jun)
Questions 456, 620, 621, 622 - Substance misuse [Cannabinoid vaping]. [
[link removed]
] (27 Jun)
Questions 490, 491 - Gambling sector. [
[link removed]
] (27 Jun)
Seanad Éireann debate. Commencement matters - Culture policy [Licensing laws]. [
[link removed]
] (27 Jun)
Question 389 - Legislative measures [Tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Jun)
Seanad Éireann debate, Order of Business [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (22 Jun)
Youth Justice Strategy - statements. [
[link removed]
] (21 Jun)
Question - 628 Health promotion [e-cigarette product flavours]. [
[link removed]
] (20 Jun)
Question 463 - Legislative progress [Sale of Alcohol Bill 2022]. [
[link removed]
] (20 Jun)
Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Second stage (resumed). [
[link removed]
] (15 Jun)
Question 262 - Departmental reviews [North Inner-City Drugs and Alcohol Task Force]. [
[link removed]
] (15 Jun)
Question 171 - Pharmacy services [disposable vapes]. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jun)
Question 73 - Cannabis for medicinal use. [
[link removed]
] (14 Jun)
Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023: Second stage (resumed). [
[link removed]
] (13 Jun)
Question 63 - Misuse of drugs. [
[link removed]
] (13 Jun)
Joint Sub-Committee on Mental Health debate. [
[link removed]
] (13 Jun)
Criminal Justice (Engagement of Children in Criminal Activity) Bill 2023: Second Stage (Resumed). [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Other questions 16 - Family support services. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Other questions 6 - Departmental strategies [Sexual health]. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 204 - School curriculum [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 21 - Cannabis for medicinal use. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 253 - Mental health services [Prison]. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 254 - Prison service [Treatment]. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 32 - Substance misuse [rehabilitation]. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Questions 70 - Health promotion [Tobacco]. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
Seanad Éireann debate. Commencement matters - Homeless persons supports. [
[link removed]
] (01 Jun)
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