Dear John.
The recent National Party conference in Wellington was a
great opportunity to consolidate policies and chart National’s course
to October 14. Apart from the conference, I have been busy getting out
around the South with constituent clinics and local meetings, along
with select committee business and questions in the house in

At the National Party conference with colleagues as we work
towards election day.
New Invercargill Electorate
In the next few weeks, you will receive a brochure from me,
outlining my work in the electorate, action for the future, National
policies and how they relate to Invercargill. Look out for it in your
mailbox and please keep it on hand at home to spread the word with
friends and family.
Law and
Law and order’s a big concern in Southland and around the
country. In the past five years violent crime has increased 33
percent, retail crime has doubled, and gangs are growing faster than
police. A National Government will ensure the justice system holds
offenders accountable through sentences that reflect the seriousness
of a crime and give Police the tools they need to tackle
Getting Back to

It was excellent to have National’s Agriculture spokesperson
Todd McClay MP join Joseph Mooney MP for Southland and myself, to talk
all things farming and outline National’s policies in the South. Todd
will be back down South on Wednesday 20 July with a meeting in my
office for anglers, hunters and gun club members at 11.30am and then a
public meeting for Farmers at the Federated Farmers Building at 3pm.
Please contact my office for further details.
Farming Policy
National’s farming policies are great news for Southland
farmers. National will give farmers the tools to reduce emissions,
keep agriculture out of the ETS, but implement a fair pricing system
for on-farm agricultural emissions by 2030 and limit the conversion of
productive farmland to forestry for carbon farming
Pūkenga’s budget blows
out again
Mega-polytechnic Te Pūkenga is now expected to report an $86
million deficit, up $23m on the previous forecast. This is an
unbelievable waste of taxpayer money on top of the $200 million set up
costs – with the Labour Government ignoring the warning signs and
failing to rein in spending.

I was delighted to meet the Indian High Commissioner Her
Excellency Neeta Bhushan, and members of the Invercargill community,
during her first visit to Invercargill
Support for SIT
I am devastated for the SIT staff, and other polytechnic
staff around the country, who now face redundancy as the Government’s
polytechnic mega-merger deficit grows. After three years Te Pukenga
still has no operating budget, a top heavy and expensive head office,
and falling student enrolments. Now staff are paying with their

Great to catch up with Invercargill
businesswoman Joc O’Donnell and former Invercargill MP Eric Roy at the
recent Southland party at Parliament. It was a chance to showcase
local produce, businesses and enterprises, and it made me very proud
to be a Southlander.
SAVE THE DATE : Deputy Leader of the National Party Nicola
Willis will be in Invercargill Friday 4 August. A public meeting will
be held in the afternoon – time and venue to be confirmed. Please
contact my office on 03 2185060. For further details.
In the media:
My Diary
4 July: Drop in clinic at Nichol’s
6 July: Chris Penk MP Invercargill
7 July: SuperBlues Chris Penk MP
20 July: Todd McLay Invercargill farmer meeting
4 August: Nicola Willis Invercargill
As always, I’m here to help. Please contact me at my
Invercargill office on Ph- 03 218 5060, or email me at: [email protected]
Thank you for your support
Penny Simmonds