From Eagle Forum, Anne Schlafly, Chairman <[email protected]>
Subject Booze Out, Pot In
Date July 2, 2023 4:06 PM
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Chairman Schlafly Commentary
Nearly a Quarter of Americans are Potheads!
July 2, 2023
by Anne Schlafly
Americans have radically changed their habits on recreational drugs. Today, 22 percent of Americans currently use marijuana, 20 percent regularly drink alcohol, and 11 percent use tobacco. (Marist Poll ([link removed]) )

This change in habits reflect not only the social acceptance of marijuana but also the ignorance of the many harms of marijuana. Possession of marijuana is still a federal crime because it is a harmful drug. Marijuana has never been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Yet, many people are under the perception that marijuana has health benefits and that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol or tobacco.

As an employer, would you rather have an employee addicted to pot or alcohol or tobacco? As a parent, would you rather have your child addicted to pot or alcohol or tobacco?

All of these drugs have consequences when used daily. All of these drugs contribute to long-term health issues. All of these drugs can be highly addicting. Tobacco use does not cause the mental impairment that the use of marijuana and alcohol always do cause. For most people, moderate alcohol use does not necessarily lead to addiction.

However, in developing brains under the age of 25, marijuana does cause serious harm and lifetime problems. Regular marijuana use can reduce a person's IQ by 8 points. Many habitual users of marijuana develop psychosis, depression, and other mental illnesses. At least 56 scientific studies have confirmed the link between high-potency marijuana and psychosis, including a 2020 study published in the Journal of American Medicine. This study found that using high-potency THC (the active ingredient in marijuana) was associated with “significant increases” in addiction and mental health disorders.

Marijuana legalization is being pushed because lawmakers want tax money and drug dealers want profits. Society is paying the price for this greed.

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Anne Schlafly ([link removed]) is the daughter of Phyllis Schlafly and Chairman of Eagle Forum.

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