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Weekend Edition, July 1-2, 2023


The Real US Goal in Ukraine

Karen Kwiatkowski

Why the US Should Stop Sending Money to Zelensky

David Stockman

A Matryoshka of Psyops: And Why General Armageddon Is Not Going Anywhere

Pepe Escobar

The Fall of Affirmative Action?

Ron Unz

RFK Jr. and the Kennedy Legacy

Donald Jeffries

The Long, Hot Summer

James Howard Kunstler

Can Taiwan Prevent a US-China War Over Taiwan?

Walter E. Block

50 Tips From the Great Depression


Marxist Communism in US: Gestalt, New School, Rockefeller

Helena Glass

Hotez Refuses to Debate RFK on Vaccines

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Seminar for Peace in Asia Stocked With Card-Carrying Globalist Operatives

Emanuel Pastreich

The Darkness Ahead: Where the Ukraine War Is Headed

John J. Mearsheimer

Political Theatre

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