John --
Welcome to the July edition of the Pennsylvania Forward Party's
monthly newsletter. Here you will learn what the PA Forward team is
working on at the state and national level, meet featured Forward
leaders, and find opportunities to get involved. Most
importantly, Forwardists like you can easily access events and
meetings for the coming month from one centralized place. Read on to
see how you can move Pennsylvania Forward!
Pennsylvania Forward Party ForwardParty.com/Pennsylvania

Calls  Based on the Regions in this map, the
regional co-chairs will be focusing on building out local and county
level organization. This starts with regular regional calls. We have 5
scheduled so far. Please RSVP and reach out to your co-chair with any
questions. Click on your region below.     
Northwest Region - Please feel free to join
another Region's call. See the opportunities section below if you are
interested in leading this region.
More Scheduled
Click the event above to join the

Tell Us What's Important
to You! Click Here to tell us what issues
are most important to you via Ranked Choice Voting. The Pennsylvania
Forward Party will use this information to help identify candidates
who truly reflect the policy and platform issues of everyday
Northwest Regional Chair needed. The Pennsylvania
Forward Party recently installed 5 of 6 regional Chairs. We need to
locate #6. If you live in the Northwest Region of PA (see map above)
and want to get involved, email [email protected]
for more information.
The Pennsylvania Forward Party needs you.
We are looking for candidates to run under or with the Forward Party.
Also, opportunities for leadership and committee positions are
available. To find out how you can get involved, email [email protected]

This is Huge!!
Watch as Andrew Yang introduces Senators Anthony Williams and
Lisa Boscola, two Pennsylvania elected officials that have
affiliated with the Forward party, Click Here to Watch
Check out our new Calendar of Events. Don't forget to bookmark it
so you never miss a call again. You can view it by Clicking Here
We are searching for Forward Candidates and Forward affiliated
candidates to run for local offices. Read More
Guest author, Jennifer Bullock, coordinator of Independent
Pennsylvanians discusses the importance of open primaries. Click here to read her thoughts on this issue