The National Center on Sexual Exploitation is pleased to award the Dignity Defense Award to Tinder, a popular online dating app, for cracking down on prostitution advertisements. The company is doing this by removing social-media handles that are listed in public bios, as such handles are often used to advertise OnlyFans, “sugar dating,” and other forms of prostitution. Tinder announced this decision in early May 2023, saying, “Tinder isn’t the place for any sort of sex work, escort services, or compensated relationships. So, no—don’t use Tinder to find your sugarmamma.” OnlyFans and so-called “sugar dating” have become the latest iterations of prostitution—and very dangerous ones that have pushed sexual exploitation into the mainstream, further normalizing and glamorizing it. NCOSE is pleased that Tinder has recognized that sexual exploitation, no matter how whitewashed, does not belong on a mainstream dating app. |
OnlyFans is on the 2023 Dirty Dozen List for facilitating sex trafficking, child sexual abuse material, and image-based sexual abuse. Together with thousands of grassroots advocates, we are urging the U.S. Attorney General to investigate OnlyFans, so they can be held accountable. Learn more and take action here. |