Watch The New Series "We The Internet" on ASG.Stream

We've partnered with Moving Picture Institute (MPI) to bring you an entertaining series called We The Internet. MPI has selected four episodes that they believe you'll really enjoy. Watch them ad-free at ASG.Stream

Episodes Now Playing: 


  • Why We Need Sweden's Democratic Socialism

  • Social Justice Warrior Therapist

  • Students Trigger College Professor

  • Reasons Why We Need Hate Speech

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Feature Film: Speed Of Life

Speed of Life is a romance film with a sci-fi twist, and won Best Narrative Feature at the Anthem Libertarian Film Festival.

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Latest Indie Short: The Perfect One

Featured Documentaries:

Shut Down Indefinitely is a 2-part series provided to us by Free The People. 

When DC Mayor Muriel Bowser mandated that bars and restaurants check the vaccination status of all patrons and deny service to those unvaccinated, Eric Flannery, owner of The Big Board in Washington, DC, took a stand.

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New Partnerships. New Films. Rapid growth.

We're incredibly grateful for our partnership with Moving Picture Institute and for all the filmmakers, like Liz Manashil (Speed of Life) that are turning to ASG.Stream to release their films. 

Did you know that ASG.Stream is totally free? Join here - you don't need a credit card to join 🙌 ✨

Justin Arman
Executive Director, ASG.Stream
Advocates for Self-Government

P.S. Do you have any indie film suggestions?


The Advocates for Self-Government is a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit organization.  Our mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the social values of self-government.

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