Hey folks, I promise this is the last time you’ll hear from me tonight.

After talking with my team earlier, I’m not sure if we’ll hit our end-of-quarter fundraising goal. We only have a few hours to go until the deadline, so I’m reaching out to see if this grassroots team can give us a last-minute push in fundraising.

This is our campaign's most critical fundraising goal yet. Hitting this goal puts us in the best position to be ready for incoming attacks from national Republicans looking to buy Montana’s Senate seat next fall.

I’m humbly asking you to make a donation of any amount you can to help get us over the finish line. Any amount goes toward ensuring we have a successful end-of-quarter fundraising drive.

Here’s a secure link for you to give: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/[email protected]

Thank you. I appreciate your support so much!
