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Hi John,

It’s Nancy from #MAGAthegood. I just wanted to send you a quick message before tonight’s end of quarter fundraising deadline.

We have a lot planned for next quarter and need to hit the ground running. So I’ll keep this short: I’m asking for your contribution before midnight.

If you’re able, can you help our team take on Ted Cruz and make one donation before midnight? It will mean so much to me and the entire #MAGAthegood family.
Chip in $5 ›››
Chip in $20 ›››
Chip in $100 ›››
Another amount ›››
Texas has only gotten even bluer since Cruz’s last election, and we know our grassroots coalitions of moms, dads, bothers, sisters, grandparents, and more has what it takes to defeat Ted Cruz this time around.

But to prove the strength of our movement, we need everyone chipping in before midnight tonight. Can you help us by making a contribution now?

With so much gratitude,
Nancy Thompson, Founder
Mothers Against Greg Abbott

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