🔥We’ve turned in our first batch of ballots to qualify for the November ballot!🔥

We have collected approx 10,000 signatures, but we need 12-14,000 signatures by July 18 deadline to make sure that 8,800 of them are valid.  So we really need extra help these last 3 weeks to make it onto the November ballot!

While this is a tremendous victory, the fight continues. We know big business will challenge as many signatures as they can.  

Big business can fight against a minimum wage increase all they want, we go harder!



We'll be out all of this long weekend gathering signatures to try to make the November ballot, please try to come by!


FRIDAY, JUNE 30: Table/Canvass meeting at Fred Meyer, 5-8Pm 


SATURDAY, JULY 1: Table at the Landing, 10am - 3pm (I hear rumors about balloons! Bring the whole family!)


SUNDAY, JULY 2: Table at QFC 11am - 3 pm


SUNDAY JULY 2: Table/canvass meeting at Fred Meyer, 4-7pm (with DSA endorsed candidate Michael Westgaard for Renton City Council!)


Right now, working class folks in Renton have to work 72 hours a week to afford an average 1 bedroom apartment! Working people need a raise and they need to see socialists fighting for it with them! Help us qualify our minimum wage initiative for the ballot in Renton so we can transfer an estimated $45 MILLION DOLLARS EVERY YEAR to the lowest paid workers who are disproportionately people of color, women, and LGBTQIA+!



🥇 How else can I help? 🥇


  • Can’t make it down to Renton but have funds to spare? We have an incredible team of paid signature collectors and donating $250 is about the equivalent of a paid signature gatherer collecting 100 signatures.

Chip in $19, $50, $100 to tip the scales in favor of working people 


Socialist Tech Workers Social

TODAY Friday, 6/30, 7pm

Chucks Hop Shop (Central District)

Please RSVP


Come meet like-minded workers in tech at the Socialist Tech Workers Social! We will discuss workplace organization and mutual aid, in a time where layoffs are affecting a lot of us, and “voting with your feet” might no longer be a viable option. Invite your friends and coworkers!



Howdy comrades! This is A. M. from your convention delegation.


I'm here to plug our upcoming convention discussion set for July 6 at 6 PM, located at the Beacon Hill Branch Library on 2821 Beacon Ave S. We also just set up an Action Network link so that members may join remotely via Zoom.  Please RSVP 


This is the first in a series of three member-to-member discussions we’ve organized over the month of July in preparation for the DSA National Convention.


The convention will be taking place in Chicago from August 4th to 6th. Our chapter is sending 24 delegates and 2 alternate delegates to the convention, where they will meet comrades from around the country and vote on important resolutions that will help shape the socialist movement over the next two years and beyond!


The pre-convention discussions are an opportunity not just for the delegates going to Chicago, but for all of our chapter’s members to come together and discuss the content of what will be voted on in August so that we can give input to the delegates and better inform ourselves.


The topic of this first meeting is Building a More Democratic DSA. We encourage comrades to read the following resolutions beforehand (Resolutions for 2023 Convention):


  • Strengthening Democracy by Increasing Member Input and Creating a National Delegates Council
  • Democratize DSA 2023
  • Strengthening Democracy by Strengthening DSA’s Elected Leadership
  • For a Political, Prolific, and Democratic DSA Editorial Board
  • Convention-Elected Full-Time Co-Chairs
  • NPC recommended: For Full-Time Political Leadership in DSA
  • National Advisory Committee
  • Renew the National Activist Conference
  • Launch a Democracy Commission for DSA
  • NPC recommended: NPC Steering Committee Roles as Committee Chair


Please note a couple things:

  • We will not have time to discuss all resolutions that will be voted on at the convention. We selected resolutions based on a poll of the delegates, and tried to group similar ones together.
  • Amendments to the resolutions will be coming out soon, but are not yet available. These will also be discussed, and this calendar event will be updated with links to them when they are available.
  • We will summarize each resolution in person at the discussion, but to have the best dialogue, we highly recommend comrades take some time to read the resolutions ahead of time.

If you plan to attend online, a Zoom link is provided when you RSVP.


We have future discussions upcoming as well! Save the dates:


Discussion #2: “Building the Left to Fight the Right”

Saturday, July 15 1-2:30pm

Capitol Hill Library Meeting Room


Discussion #3: “Labor and Internationalism”

Thursday, July 26, 6-7:30pm

Location TBD (but it will be at a library near a light rail stop)


One last thing, UPS workers voted by 97% to authorize a strike on August 1st, if they are unable to win a strong contract.  With 340,000 workers, its the largest private sector union at a single company in the country. If they strike, it would be the  largest single-company strike in U.S. history.

Please sign this UPS STRIKE SOLIDARITY Pledge card today!