We have less than 12 hours to raise our end-of-quarter fundraising goal of $15,000. John, can you rush a donation right now?
31 years ago today, I was wrongfully convicted of murder.
I’ll never forget June 30, 1992. I was only a young teenager and my entire life was taken away for something I had nothing to do with.
With no funds for an attorney, I was stuck in a system rigged against people like me.
The 20 years I spent in prison, I refused to give up my mission for justice. I spent hours in the law library, educating myself and sent out hundreds of letters for help.
And then my efforts finally worked one day. Thankfully I was exonerated.

But so many people like me never get a chance at justice. They remain stuck in the rigged system.
That’s why I’m running for Congress. I believe we CAN change the system with grassroots support from people like you, John.
Can you pitch in anything you’re able to afford today and help my campaign meet our end-of-quarter fundraising goal of $15,000? We only have until tonight to raise these funds.
Thank you for your contribution.
– Franky