Grassley Direct

On my weekly "Capitol Hill Report," I spoke with Mike Peterson of KMA in Shenandoah and Dale Wegner of the Sac Sun about President Trump's 2021 budget proposal and my prescription drug pricing bill.

Q&A: Opioid Update

Q. Is progress being made on America’s opioid crisis?
Q. What efforts are underway to address the surge in synthetic opioids?

Quick Links

This week, I began my annual tradition of holding question-and-answer sessions with Iowans in every county with meetings in Johnson County, Cedar County and Jones County. This year I'll complete my fourth decade of holding meetings in every one of Iowa’s 99 counties. Representative government is a two-way street, and it requires continued dialogue between elected officials and the people they represent. I look forward to the opportunity to listen to Iowans’ comments and concerns and respond directly to their questions. I hold meetings in a variety of settings to ensure that a broad cross-section of Iowans can participate, including businesses, schools, town meetings and factory floors. Although the setting may differ from county to county, the format is the same: Iowans set the agenda.

As many of you know, lowering the cost of prescription drugs is one of my top priorities. I've continued to grow support for my bill to address this, most recently with Senator Martha McSally of Arizona announcing her support. The Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act takes a commonsense approach by keeping what works and improving what doesn’t. It protects taxpayers and patients from price gouging and makes Medicare more sustainable. It's time for Congress to act and give Iowans and all Americans the relief from the burden of prescription drug costs that they need and deserve. Watch my floor speech here.

I partnered with Senator Ernst in requesting a briefing from defense and security officials on how a suspected al Qaeda leader wanted for murdering two Iraqi police officers was able to receive refugee status in the United States and later become a U.S. citizen. In a letter to the State Department, FBI and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Senator Ernst and I requested a full briefing to better understand the circumstances surrounding this man's entrance under the guise of a refugee, and the serious national security implications of allowing a member of a designated foreign terrorist organization to enter the U.S. and gain full citizenship. Read our letter here.

Post of the Week

ImageTalked w Chris Evans also known as Captain America for his civic engagement project A Starting Point abt my work for Iowans incl criminal justice reform lowering prescription drug prices & tax cuts and jobs act

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