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Dear John,

This week, Governor Gavin Newsom and leadership from the State Assembly and State Senate announced that the 2023-24 state budget has been finalized and NPH has responded with our analysis of the budget investments for affordable housing and homelessness solutions.


The Bottom Line: The final budget includes funding for critical programs (including prior year commitments and some additional investments) that will provide relief for state residents who can’t afford California’s rising housing costs or who are experiencing homelessness. It demonstrates that Governor Newsom and state lawmakers recognize the need for progress and are working with our communities to lead the nation in common-sense, humane, and just housing solutions for all our neighbors. At the same time, we are disappointed that the budget allocations fall short of the deep investments we need to truly meet the annual affordable housing goals our agencies have set for the state. To meet the scale of our state’s housing needs, deeper investments and strategic efforts are needed.


What Now? NPH will continue to work diligently with our partners and allies to make the case for affordable housing because all our neighbors deserve a decent place to live. The 2024 ballot will be a timely opportunity to support long-term housing investments. Cities, counties, and regions are essential partners in achieving our housing goals and state leaders have a vital role to play in facilitating local communities’ ability to scale investments.

Thank you for working alongside us. We’ll alert you of any critical actions we can collectively take to advocate for deeper investments in our neighborhoods and communities moving forward.


Abram Diaz smiling at camera
Abram Diaz,
NPH Policy Director

Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
369 Pine Street Suite 350 | San Francisco, California 94104
415-989-8160 | [email protected]

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