It’s Adam Schiff. In recent days, you’ve likely heard a lot from me and my team, John.
I’ll tell you why. I’m running for Senate because I want to get real things done for everyday Californians. But I also truly believe that our nation is in trouble.
In the last seven years, events have transpired in D.C. that I never thought I would see as a Congressman — an attempted insurrection, the GOP devolving into an extremist cult, and some of our most precious freedoms stripped away by a court system packed with hand-selected judges by Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell, to name a few.
In a few hours, we will reach our FEC fundraising deadline, after which our fundraising numbers will be made public. And emails like these help us raise money to fight back against that extremism. You see, whether you donate $3, $5, or $10, it all adds up and gets us closer to winning this Senate seat and getting real things done.
And you know what else? MAGA Republicans will be studying these reports looking for any weakness in our campaign. They are terrified that I’ll be elected to the Senate, because I have the track record of holding the corrupt accountable, and they know they are next.
So I’m asking one final time before midnight, will you please split a donation between Southern Progress and my campaign to help us end this quarter strong? Click here.
John, as I said, I truly believe that our nation is in trouble.
But I also believe that, with the support of this team behind me, we will weather the storm, turn this ship around, and start activating real change in the Senate.
— Adam
Sent from Adam’s iPhone