We’ve got a real problem, friend, and we’re counting on your help to solve it.
We have a once-a-year opportunity today to boost our fight to protect orcas, our fragile oceans and our only Earth before the deadline at midnight tonight.
Right now, there are only 73 Southern Resident orcas left alive, and they’re withering away from toxic pollution and starving because greedy industries are driving away the fish they need to survive. At this rate, our orcas can’t hold on much longer.
As a grassroots organization, we can’t fight the hard battles ahead for our orcas, our oceans and our planet without you, friend. Please, will you make your gift of $27 or more right now before our End-of-Fiscal-Year deadline at midnight tonight? All gifts are currently being MATCHED up to our $150,000 goal, so don't miss out on this crucial opportunity to have DOUBLE the impact!
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t urgent, but orcas are facing a DIRE survival crisis. That’s the reason we had to set such an ambitious goal before our End-of-Fiscal-Year deadline. Because as you read this, Southern Resident orcas are grieving beloved family members who have already died from starvation.
Every death weakens the entire orca pod, making them more vulnerable to pollution from the cruise industry and Big Oil. Unless we act, industrial mega-projects and massive quantities of cruise ship waste could spell DISASTER for our orcas and completely wipe them from the face of the planet. More profits for wealthy corporations aren’t worth the extinction of a unique and precious species.
Friends of the Earth has one goal: to STOP disastrous outcomes for our planet and its vulnerable inhabitants. That means preventing existing dangers from getting any worse and holding greedy corporations accountable for the damage they’ve caused. As part of the world’s largest grassroots environmental network, we’re committed to continuing this fight. But we can’t raise what it takes to win for orcas and our planet without your membership gift – and there’s only 11 hours left before our End-of-Fiscal-Year deadline.
Please, with time running out and the stakes for our planet higher than ever, we’re counting on your support before the clock strikes midnight. The last 73 Southern Resident orcas, our fragile oceans and our only Earth need a friend like you now. Please, before our match expires Friday night, make a gift and have it DOUBLED up to our $150,000 goal to help Friends of the Earth continue fighting.
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Marcie Keever
Director of Oceans & Vessels Program
Friends of the Earth