During the 2022 midterm elections, Shift WA was the first to expose shocking news regarding Democrat Clyde Shavers, then a State House candidate in the 10th Legislative District.
Shift Washington

During the 2022 midterm elections, Shift WA was the first to expose shocking news regarding Democrat Clyde Shavers, then a State House candidate in the 10th Legislative District. 
Brett Shavers – the father of Clyde – released a bombshell letter exposing his son’s lies on multiple campaign claims. According to his father, Clyde was dishonest about his military service, particularly regarding his claim of being a submarine officer. Contrary to his false campaign claims, Clyde never completed his training course to actually become a submarine officer. The letter also highlighted Clyde's disdain for enlisted service members and his aversion to wearing the uniform, which increased concerns about his character.
The letter from Brett Shavers also corrected Clyde’s version of his mother's immigration story. While Clyde's campaign materials portrayed his mother as an economic refugee seeking to escape poverty, the truth is that she came to America as a foreign exchange student. After falling in love with his father, Clyde’s mother made the decision to permanently move here. Her story is a wonderful one, with her son’s falsifying for political gain.
We here at Shift WA worked hard to report on the letter and attempted to ensure voters heard about Clyde Shaver’s outright lies. But our efforts to amplify the story were not enough. Clyde Shavers won his election by 211 votes – the closest in the state.
The mainstream media did its part to bury the story – which reporters knew would impact a very competitive election – and it worked.
That’s why we need your help to amplify our work and reach more people. Will you help by sharing this story today? Simply click here to remind your friends and family what happened last year – and share our part in exposing the lies.
It is vital we hold our elected officials accountable – that’s one of our missions here at Shift WA.
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