I wanted to reach out personally to follow up on the latest email we sent about the critical FEC deadline we are facing at midnight tonight. Did you have an opportunity to read it?

As the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas, I am grateful for the support we receive from individuals like you who believe in our conservative principles and are committed to defending the values that make Texas exceptional.

But we are facing unprecedented challenges from the Radical Left, and your involvement is crucial in the fight to protect our state. Will you step up and chip in just $3 to help us meet our FEC fundraising deadline?

Your support will enable us to continue fighting for limited government, individual liberty, and the preservation of Texas values. We need conservatives like you to unite with us as we work tirelessly to secure our border, protect our economy, and stop the “woke” mob from indoctrinating our children with their radical ideologies.

If you've already donated, please accept my heartfelt thanks. Your contribution will go a long way in strengthening our efforts. However, if you haven't had a chance to make a contribution yet, I urge you to join our cause today.

With your support, we can stand up to those who seek to undermine our principles and keep Texas red.

Thank you for stepping up,

John Beckmeyer
Executive Director

Republican Party of Texas

---------Forwarded Message-------
From: The Republican Party of Texas
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2023, at 1:01 PM
Subject: Critical FEC Deadline!🚨

The end of this month marks a critical Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline for us, as we face an uphill battle against those who want to fundamentally change our state.
As a dedicated member of the Republican Party of Texas, you know our great state has always been a shining example of freedom, liberty, and traditional American principles. However, our Texas way of life is now under threat from Biden and the Radical Left, who seek to erase our values and make Texas "woke."

We need your support to stand strong against their dangerous agenda! By contributing to our efforts before the Federal Election Commission (FEC) deadline, you can help us defend Texas and protect our conservative values. Will you chip in today?
Biden and his allies have made it clear that they want to dismantle everything that makes Texas exceptional. They want to rewrite our history, indoctrinate our children with radical ideologies, and strip away our individual liberties. Their agenda promotes big government and stifles personal freedoms.

We can’t let them turn our great state into California 2.0 — donate today, and help us build a strong defense against their relentless assault on Texas!

Your donation will have a tangible impact on our efforts to protect Texas. It will enable us to launch targeted campaigns, engage with voters, and counter the false narratives that the Radical Left is spreading.
At the Republican Party of Texas, we are committed to preserving Texas values, securing our border, defending the Second Amendment, safeguarding the rights of the unborn, ensuring election integrity, bolstering our economy and so much more.

If you agree with our principles, make a donation to our cause! Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a difference. Every dollar counts in this crucial battle for the future of Texas. Will you step up and join us today?
Remember, the FEC deadline is tomorrow, and we need every resource available to us to fight against the “woke” mob. We are counting on you, as a loyal member of the Republican Party of Texas, to help us defend the conservative principles we hold dear.

If we work together, we can ensure that Texas remains a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity for generations to come. So don’t wait any longer — join us today in the fight to keep Texas red!

Defending Texas and Saving America,

Texas Republicans

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Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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