Hi there,
10,000 hours.
Hour after hour, the sharp wire cuts into her sensitive feet and rubs against her raw patches of skin.
Hour after hour, she is jostled and shoved by her cage-mates, all desperately clamoring for space.
Hour after hour, the polluted air stings her eyes. The sounds of suffering fill her ears. She can’t bear it, but the hours stretch on.
It’s why we set an incredibly ambitious goal for this year: To spare 6.7 million hens from the horrors of life in a battery cage. (Stay tuned for an update—our corporate team is crunching the numbers right now, and I’ll reveal how much progress we’ve made later today!)
Thanks to two passionate donors who were inspired by this goal, every single gift we receive before June 30 will be matched—and new monthly gifts will be matched for the first three months. But this incredibly generous offer is about to expire.
This is about more than 6.7 million hens. This is about dealing the egg industry a historic blow—one that proves our movement can’t, and won’t, be ignored.
10,000 hours. Multiplied by 6.7 million hens.
Are you with us?

Alison Hansen-Decelles
Director of Annual Giving |