Indiana Young Democrats 

Contact: [email protected] 

June 30, 2023


Indiana Young Democrats express our profound disappointment with the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down President Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. This ruling demonstrates a disregard for the pressing issue of 

skyrocketing student loan debt and its detrimental impact on millions of young Americans.

Student loan debt has become a burden that impedes not only the financial well-being of our nation’s young people but also their ability to pursue their dreams, start new businesses, and contribute fully to the economy. With the average student debt surpassing $30,000, this crisis has reached unsustainable levels, affecting millions of students, recent graduates, and families across our state.

President Biden's student loan forgiveness program represented a bold and necessary step towards alleviating this financial burden. It aimed to provide relief to deserving individuals and make higher education more accessible and equitable for all. By overturning this initiative, the U.S. Supreme Court has denied countless young Americans the opportunity to have their student loans forgiven and their economic futures secured and empowered.

This decision highlights the urgent need for comprehensive student loan reform. We call upon our elected officials, at both the state and national level, to take immediate action to address this crisis. Specifically, we urge Congress to pursue legislation that provides substantial relief to borrowers, expands affordable education options, and ensures a fair system for repayment.

Furthermore, we call upon our fellow young Americans to join us in advocating for change. This ruling only strengthens our resolve to fight for a fairer and more just future. We encourage everyone to engage with their elected representatives, share their stories, and make their voices heard about the importance of implementing effective student loan forgiveness programs.

The Indiana Young Democrats remain committed to working tirelessly to advance the interests of young Americans. We will continue to push for student loan reform and advocate for accessible and affordable higher education opportunities for all. Together, we can build a brighter future for the next generation.
