PFAW Member -- great news! Earlier today, Trump announced (via Twitter, of course) that he would not nominate John Ratcliffe for Director of National Intelligence... blaming the news media and the scrutiny that such an unqualified nominee would be sure to receive (which of course Trump described as somehow unfair). However, the REAL reason Ratcliffe's would-be nomination won't go through is because of the grassroots groundswell of opposition that was clearly building and the reluctance of Republican senators to have to support and try to defend a nomination that would be so clearly indefensible. THANK YOU to the 16,000 PFAW members who quickly joined our petition and helped send the message early that this was a fight Republicans wouldn't want any part of. Trump said his new pick for DNI will be coming soon, so stay tuned for more updates ... and thanks again! -- Zach -----[previous message]----- PFAW Member, In true Trump form, he's trying to reward one of his loyal enablers with a position he's completely unqualified for – this time for the Director of National Intelligence post. An ardent supporter of Trump, Ratcliffe doesn't miss an opportunity to come to his defense, including embracing conspiracy theories about former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. During Mueller's testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, Ratcliffe openly questioned the veracity of Mueller's findings, quickly becoming Trump's personal attack dog. Repeating the false assertion from many on the right that the Mueller investigation began as an attempt to prevent or end Trump's presidency, the announcement that Trump will nominate Ratcliffe has roiled many in Congress who are reluctant to even consider him for the job because he is so overtly political – which is not appropriate for the role of DNI – and because he is woefully unqualified, not even coming close to the extensive intelligence experience that’s explicitly required in the job description. Even some Republicans question Ratcliffe's credentials for the job, someone who has been known to over-exaggerate his career – particularly when it comes to his national defense and security expertise! Many also fear Ratcliffe would overpoliticize the intelligence community; at a time when our nation is especially vulnerable to ongoing election interference from foreign adversaries – a threat Trump prefers to dismiss outright. Perhaps it's because current DNI Dan Coats doesn't sugarcoat the findings of our national intelligence community, instead providing Trump with the unvarnished, nonpartisan findings from these agencies. But as you and I both know – Trump's view of the truth is only that which reinforces his own political narrative. Thank you, - Zach, PFAW