News of the world environment

 NEWSLETTER | February 14, 2020
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Protect the Protectors

Every autumn, monarch butterflies in southern Canada and the northeastern United States embark on an awe-inspiring journey, flying thousands of miles to overwinter in Mexico. By all accounts, the scene, when they get there, is spectacular, as millions of butterflies cling to branches and flit between trees.
Due to habitat loss all along their migration path, these monarchs are struggling to hang on. But in Mexico, at least, they had allies in people like Raúl Hernández Romero and Homero Gómez González, both of whom worked at the El Rosario butterfly sanctuary in Michoacán that contains most of their overwintering habitat. Both men had spoken out about illegal logging that threatened the reserve, and both were found murdered, just days apart, recently.
Romero and González are, unfortunately, far from the only environmental defenders who’ve been murdered for their activism. According to Global Witness, at least 1,558 people across the world were killed between 2002 and 2017 while trying to protect their land, water, or local wildlife.
Here at the Journal, we regularly hear about the violence and terror perpetrated against environmentalists across the world. Just this week, we ran a story about how the Canadian Mounted Royal Police deployed armed officers, helicopters, and dogs to break up a peaceful blockade by the Wet’suwet’en Nation, which is trying to stop a controversial pipeline from crossing their unceded land.
The time for us to take a stand against this violence, and tackle its root causes, is long overdue.

Zoe Loftus-Farren
Managing Editor, Earth Island Journal


The Salamander Slayer

We’re on the brink of a deadly fungal outbreak in the US that will likely decimate salamander populations in the amphibian biodiversity hotspot that is Appalachia. Can conservationists help them weather the storm?


Fire Drill Fridays in California

With her latest foray into activism, 80-year-old Jane Fonda proves that you can never be too old to lead a movement … or to pull off a red fedora. 

Return of the Dolphins

The Potomac River may seem like an unlikely place for a thriving bottlenose dolphin population. But thanks to the Clean Water Act and more than five decades of restoration work, the marine mammals have begun reclaiming their riverine home. 

Fueling Disaster

Fossil fuel companies abandoned some 35,000 oil and gas wells across California, many near residential neighborhoods. Bad, right? Even worse: Big Oil hasn’t set aside anywhere close to the amount of money required to close them down and clean them up. Prepare to be incensed.

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Painful Reunion

A biologist. A feisty northern cardinal by the Hudson River. Eight years of biting reunions. What’s not to love about this story!

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