The progressive outlet Daily Kos recently wrote that state attorneys general like Xavier are “fighting Trump, and winning, at an unprecedented level.” 
And they’re right. The policies out of the White House are a real threat, but Xavier and his fellow Democratic attorneys general are fighting — and winning. 

Daily Kos: 

Democratic states are fighting Trump, and winning, at an unprecedented level

From the Affordable Care Act to the Endangered Species Act, we’re fighting in courtrooms across the country and making a real difference. We know that: 
Immigrants make our communities stronger — that’s why we’re defending them. 
Families should be able to access affordable healthcare — that’s why we’re defending it. 
Our environment should be safeguarded for future generations — that’s why we’re protecting it. 
As Xavier fights Trump, will you stand with him today, team?
Thank you, 
Team Becerra



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From all of us at Team Becerra, thanks for your support!