CNN: PLF attorney calls Supreme Court decision ‘a win for individuality’


On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled that Harvard and the University of North Carolina violated the Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause in their use of race to evaluate applicants. “Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in the decision.

PLF had filed amicus briefs in support of the petitioners. In our brief, we argued the Constitution “requires government to treat individuals based on their personal qualities instead of their membership in a crudely defined racial group.”

Erin Wilcox made that same point on CNN a few hours after the decision was announced.

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The Supreme Court says students should be judged by merit, not race


Brittany Hunter pulls out key quotes from the 237-page Students for Fair Admissions decision, reports on a celebratory rally held outside the Supreme Court (which was quickly flooded by angry counterprotestors), and talks about what the decision means for PLF’s case challenging proxy discrimination at Thomas Jefferson High School.

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Victory for falsely accused Tucson mom over DCS bureaucrats


In 2020, Sarra L. went grocery shopping in Tucson. As a Covid precaution, the store asked shoppers not to bring children inside, so Sarra dropped off her seven-year-old son at a park five blocks away. She had played at that same park when she was a child, and a friend was teaching Tai Chi there. It was safe.

But the police accused Sarra of “contributing to the delinquency of a minor.” Even after the charges were dropped, the Department of Child Safety put Sarra’s name on a Central Registry—essentially a blacklist that would prevent Sarra from working or volunteering with children.

PLF and our friends at Goldwater Institute sued. In a victory for Sarra, DCS reversed course. But our fight to end Arizona’s unconstitutional registry continues, writes Timothy Sandefur.

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